The Art of Rest: A Christian Perspective

The Art of Rest: A Christian Perspective

Cultivating a life of rest involves understanding its value, learning to take breaks, and allowing margin in our lives. As Christians, we are invited to embrace rest not just as an occasional retreat, but as a lifestyle that permeates our daily routines. Resting IS needed. For all of us.

I’m terrible at resting—and that’s gotta change. Lately, the Lord has been showing my busyness is a real problem in my life. I can’t Sabbath if I can’t slow down.

The reality is we often find ourselves caught in a whirlwind of activities, unable to pause, listen, and be present. As Christians, how can we navigate this landscape of constant busyness and cultivate a life of rest and margin? Let’s explore these questions.

Understanding the Value of Rest

The first step towards cultivating a life of rest is to understand its value. The Bible is rich with verses that emphasize the importance of rest.

In Exodus 20:8-10, God commands us to remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy, highlighting the importance of setting aside one day in seven for rest and worship.

In Mark 6:31, Jesus invites his disciples to come away by themselves to a desolate place and rest a while, recognizing the need for rest after periods of intense work and ministry.

These verses highlight that rest is not merely an optional extra in the Christian life, but a command and invitation from God Himself. Yet—many of us ignore resting.

Learning to Take Breaks

In our busyness, one practical way we can cultivate rest is by learning to take breaks.

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