The Comforting Truth of God’s Sovereignty

The Comforting Truth of God’s Sovereignty

God is in control and he is working all things for my good. Whatever comes my way, whether success or failure, victory or defeat, celebration or mourning, all have passed through the hands of my Father who loves me. Everything in my life is being used by God to sanctify me and bring me closer to himself. Here’s the good news according to Job 42:2: his plan can’t be thwarted. There is no power in this universe that can stop God’s working in my life.

Only the bravest people dare to venture outside in the middle of a Texas summer day. The rest of us are either in an air-conditioned building or near water. I have young children, and being inside all day supplies them with abundant energy that needs to be burned if there’s any hope of a decent bedtime. Thankfully, they love to swim, so we spend many hot summer days at the pool.

After one evening of swimming, as our kids were getting out of the water and drying off, I took the life vest off my three-year-old son and told him to get a towel. I then continued doing all the many tasks that needed to be done to get four wet children to the van. As I was drying another child, I happened to see my son getting back in the water. I knew he didn’t have his life vest on and couldn’t swim without it. In the brief moment between watching him go under and jumping in the pool after him, I saw him completely submerged in the water, unable to come up for air. I could sense his panic, but there was no loud splashing, gasping for air, or any noise we often associate with someone who’s drowning. It was silent, and had I not seen him go in, I might not have known.

That’s a terrifying thought.

It reminded me that there are many details of my life that are beyond my control. It’s easy to forget, isn’t it? It’s easy to tell ourselves that we are in the driver’s seat. Having a sense of control gives me comfort and eliminates fear, but the truth is I can’t guarantee anything. I do my absolute best to watch my kids at the pool, but the worst can happen quickly. I strive to drive carefully and obey traffic laws, but that doesn’t always prevent accidents. Hard work and loyalty at work go a long way, but some company layoffs can’t be prevented. Even with my best efforts, certain outcomes are simply beyond my control. Being reminded of this reality can tempt me to live in fear by avoiding situations in which I feel out of control. However, living in fear is antithetical to a life of faith.

How can believers face this lack of control without giving in to paralyzing fear?

The Sovereignty of God

While going through this uncertain life, the sovereignty of God is one of the most comforting truths for the believer. When fear and doubt leave my soul cold and shivering, being reminded of God’s sovereignty is a steaming cup of soup and a warm blanket.

Scripture teaches us that nothing is outside of God’s control. Consider these verses:

Our God is in the heavens; he does all that he pleases. (Ps. 115:3)

The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps. (Prov. 16:9)

O LORD, God of our fathers, are you not God in heaven? You rule over all the kingdoms of the nations. In your hand are power and might, so that none is able to withstand you. (2 Chron. 20:6)

I am the LORD, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me? (Jer. 32:27 NIV)

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