The Coming Judgment

The Coming Judgment

For all who doggedly resist Christ, there are days of judgment coming. The Apostle John recorded a revelation of these coming days, and Chapter 14 is profound in its certainty. It speaks of Satan and his work in the final days as it grows darker and more prominent. 

People vainly think that they can do whatever they want, ignoring and even blaspheming the God who created them. But the Bible is very clear: judgment is coming for all those who ignore and resist God.

Now is a time of extraordinary mercy when opportunity is given to all to turn to Christ. And, once turning, they will find love that is hard to fathom, mercy that is completely unearned, and blessing that is overwhelming and eternal.

But for all who doggedly resist Christ, there are days of judgment coming. The Apostle John recorded a revelation of these coming days, and Chapter 14 is profound in its certainty. It speaks of Satan and his work in the final days as it grows darker and more prominent. Of evil rulers that dominate the earth and people bowing down to worship him.

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