The Moving Extravagance of Authentic Worship
There are some, for sure, who make great displays of worship for their own recognition. But not the Marys among us. She was thinking of nothing but Jesus, and she cared not what others thought. Jesus knew, and as He did with the little children who had come to Him earlier, He didn’t rebuke true worship but rebuked those who would try to suppress it.
Mary then took a pound of very costly perfume of pure nard, and anointed the feet of Jesus and wiped His feet with her hair; and the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume. (John 12:3)
There’s something unsettling about unhindered worship. About those around us who worship the Lord with absolute abandonment.
Mary, Martha and Lazarus’ sister, was like that. Days before Jesus was to be crucified, He had come to their home, as He often did. With the risen Lazarus reclining at the table beside her Savior, Mary was overcome with love for the one who had done so much for her family.
Overwhelming love drove her to take a perfume worth a year’s wages and anoint Jesus’ feet. Then, with no thought of public shame, she loosened her hair and used it as a towel to wipe His feet.
The Fragrance
… of extravagant worship floods a room and ascends as a sweet, smelling sacrifice to the Father. It so pleased Christ that He made sure John recorded it for all time. He wanted everyone through human history to see the high bar of unrehearsed, unhindered worship.
The Objection
There are always miserly people who will be upset with such a display. Judas blurted out an objection.
But Judas Iscariot, one of His disciples, who was intending to betray Him, said, “Why was this perfume not sold for three hundred denarii and given to poor people?” (John 12:4-6)
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Is Sunday Still the First Day of the Week?
We’re Christians. We follow King Jesus. We mark out one day a week—the first, not the last—to worship the risen Lord. We sing of his goodness and grace and trust his promise to return and blast away death forever. Sunday is his day. And he comes first.
Maybe you’ve noticed it too. On various apps and sites, the calendar has shifted to Monday as the first day of the week. If you want to keep Sunday as Day 1, you can sometimes tailor the calendar to your preference, but the default has changed.
This comes as no surprise. Most people look at Saturday and Sunday as a pair—two days at the end of the week. “What is a weekend?” asked the elderly Lady Grantham in Downton Abbey, delightfully clueless as to how the working class a century ago conceived of time. Since regular business hours are Monday to Friday, it makes sense when people assume Monday is the best candidate for Day 1. It’s the start of the workweek.
But that’s just it. Collapsing the week into the workweek is what troubles me.
Week and Workweek
The way we orient ourselves in time—how we think of our days—makes a difference in how we conceive of our life and purpose. Our choices in how we order time contain moral instruction.
Starting the week with Monday indicates we see our lives primarily in terms of work. Productivity matters most. Contrast a Monday-first mindset with a Sunday-first outlook. When the week begins with worship and rest, everything that follows gets cast in the light of grace and gratitude. Work becomes a subset of worship. We begin not with what we do but with who we are in Christ.
Are Sundays Special?
But Trevin, you say. Sundays aren’t that different anymore. So the calendar shift doesn’t matter that much. True, unfortunately. Even for many Christians, aside from an hour or so spent in church, the rest of the day slips into the same leisure activities as Saturday—or for some, becomes just another day of work at one of the countless places open all week long.
But the way we treat Sunday puts us out of step with our forefathers and mothers in the faith. The original consensus statement adopted by Southern Baptists nearly a century ago, The Baptist Faith and Message, not only devoted an entire article to the Lord’s Day but also specified what proper stewardship of Sunday looked like:The first day of the week is the Lord’s day. It is a Christian institution for regular observance. It commemorates the resurrection of Christ from the dead and should be employed in exercises of worship and spiritual devotion, both public and private, and by refraining from worldly amusements, and resting from secular employments, works of necessity and mercy only excepted.
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Book Review: ‘Two Cities, Two Loves Christian: Responsibility in a Crumbling Culture’
Christians must never dream of taking over the power structures of the world, (Boice was writing soon after the collapse of the Christian Right in the 1980s,) nor must they seclude themselves from the world like monks or Mennonites. They must instead aim to live biblical, prayerful, authentic, godly, courageous, and joyful lives of service within the world; in a way that will bring great blessing to their cities and communities.
Many Christians in the West feel more and more like foreigners in their own land.
Our community finds our beliefs about marriage and sex and family as fragrant as ammonia; that our desire to join with like-minded people for the Christian education of our children reeks of apartheid; and that our passion to protect unborn life is invasively “creepy.”
Christian social convictions are not just different, nor even just wrong. They stink.
Some Christians counter-attack with the hope of recapturing formal control and influence over centres of power like the academy or government. So get your God Bless the USA Donald Trump-endorsed King James Bible for only $59.99.
Other Christians collapse into the foetal position; or at least into societal disengagement of any kind other than strictly Word evangelism.
The first group, like Israel in Numbers, presume to go where the Lord has not called them (Numbers 14:44-45). The second, like an anti-Daniel praying with the windows shut, or like a tongue-tied watchman, take cover when they should be seen and heard.
Both stand outside of Reformed-evangelistic civics of the past five centuries. And neither position, as Boice explains, is biblical.
There are some encouraging signs. The puerile arguments of the noughties New Atheists, the self-styled “Brights”, the “Four Horsemen” (Dawkins, Dennett, Hitchens, and Harris), are now an embarrassment to the cause. Thoughtful agnostics like Jordan Peterson and Tom Holland are making people think again about the truth and value of Christianity. But for the moment the world is a bit hostile. No one in the West is suffering like Christians in Nigeria or China, but it is still a bit fraught and threatening.
This is where Two Cities, Two Loves: Christian Responsibility in a Crumbling Culture comes in.
James Montgomery Boice (1938 – 2000), pastor of the historic Tenth Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia from 1968 until his death, was the author of some fifty books and Bible commentaries. He served also as Chairman of the International Council on Biblical Inerrancy from 1977 until its dischargement in 1988. He wrote and taught from the evangelical-Reformed position.
Two Cities, Two Loves was first published in 1996 and was recently lightly edited and updated for republication.
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Christianity and Civilisation: Science
“Some religions, like Judaism have made many contributions to the civilised world. Others have been much less involved in Western progress. As [historian Rodney] Stark and others have demonstrated, only those religions that have had a place for reason and logic have had a real impact on science, progress and technology. The Judeo-Christian worldview certainly gives reason a good run. Thus important thinkers such as Alfred North Whitehead and Robert Oppenheimer – neither of them Christian – have argued that modern science could not have developed were it not for the Christian worldview that provided the soil from which it arose. The greatest achievements of Western civilisation are mainly, but not completely, the results of the Judeo-Christian mindset.”
To speak of Western civilisation is to speak about Christian civilisation to a very large degree. Without Christianity (and the Judaism that preceded it), the West as we know it today would simply not exist. One of the most recent commentators to make this case is Tucker Carlson. A few weeks ago he gave a speech on how Western civilisation is under attack.
He emphasised how the secular left is really at war with Christianity itself. As he said in part: “Why are they doing this? The goal is to overthrow Western civilization. What is Western civilization? It’s Christian civilization. That’s what it is.”
Entire libraries are filled with the volumes documenting how so much of the West is the product of Christianity. Some months ago, I listed twenty top books on how Christianity made our world. It included titles such as How Christianity Changed the World and What if Jesus Had Never Been Born? That piece is found here.
Christianity and Science
Simply looking at the arena of science is enough to show any unbiased observer what a remarkable contribution Christians have made here. Even non-Christians have acknowledged all this. For example, Rabbi Daniel Lapin, in America’s Real War (Multnomah, 1999) put it this way:
“Well over 90 percent of all the scientific discoveries of the past thousand years have been made in nations where Christianity is the prevailing religion. Virtually every major discovery in physics, medicine, chemistry, mathematics, electricity, nuclear physics, mechanics and just about everything else has taken place in Christian countries.”
And consider this stunning remark by the atheist blogger Tim O’Neill from a decade ago:
It’s not hard to kick this nonsense to pieces, especially since the people presenting it know next to nothing about history and have simply picked up these strange ideas from websites and popular books. The assertions collapse as soon as you hit them with hard evidence. I love to totally stump these propagators by asking them to present me with the name of one – just one – scientist burned, persecuted, or oppressed for their science in the Middle Ages. They always fail to come up with any. They usually try to crowbar Galileo back into the Middle Ages, which is amusing considering he was a contemporary of Descartes. When asked why they have failed to produce any such scientists given the Church was apparently so busily oppressing them, they often resort to claiming that the Evil Old Church did such a good job of oppression that everyone was too scared to practice science. By the time I produce a laundry list of Medieval scientists – like Albertus Magnus, Robert Grosseteste, Roger Bacon, John Peckham, Duns Scotus, Thomas Bradwardine, Walter Burley, William Heytesbury, Richard Swineshead, John Dumbleton, Richard of Wallingford, Nicholas Oresme, Jean Buridan and Nicholas of Cusa – and ask why these men were happily pursuing science in the Middle Ages without molestation from the Church, my opponents usually scratch their heads in puzzlement at what just went wrong.
Of interest, this excerpt was taken from a book review he had penned. I happen to have the book, and it could easily have been included in my top 20 listing (along with many others). I refer to the very important volume God’s Philosophers: How the Medieval World Laid the Foundations of Modern Science by James Hannam, (Icon Books, 2010). It was released in America as The Genesis of Science: How the Christian Middle Ages Launched the Scientific Revolution (Regnery, 2011).
There is so much that can be said about this crucial volume. Perhaps the best I can do here is simply quote from it, hoping that will encourage you to get a copy. In his introduction he says this:
Popular opinion, journalistic cliché, and misinformed historians notwithstanding, recent research has shown that the Middle Ages was a period of enormous advances in science, technology and culture. The compass, paper, printing, stirrups, and gunpowder all appeared in western Europe between 500 and 1500 AD. True, these inventions originated in the Far East, but Europeans developed them to a far higher degree than had been the case elsewhere….
Meanwhile, the people of medieval Europe invented spectacles, the mechanical clock, the windmill, and the blast furnace by themselves.
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