The Preaching Class with John Piper

Preaching is a miracle. Faithful sermons are far more than explanations of a biblical text; they are celebrations of biblical realities. In ‘The Preaching Class,’ now available free online, John Piper distills lessons from more than three decades in the pulpit.
In this introduction, below, Pastor John invites preachers and listeners to join him in his series of short videos on preaching. Throughout the series, Pastor John distills lessons from his 33 years in the pulpit and 10 years in the classroom with aspiring pastors, all with the aim of welcoming listeners into the life of a preacher and the glorious task of preaching. Preaching is not the only means God uses to save and sanctify his people, but it is an essential one. We invite you to join us as Pastor John explains why.
Watch all 30 workshops & lectures from ‘The Preaching Class.’
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What God Wants You To Forget
We are never far from reminding God of our credentials, of providing him with a curriculum vitae that lays out all we are, all we have been through, and all we have accomplished for his sake. We are never far from making the subtle turn from grace to merit, from what is freely given to what has been hard-earned.
The Apostle Paul knew this temptation. In his letter to the church at Philippi, he goes to some trouble to lay out his credentials as the most admirable of all Jewish men—a man who had impeccable ethnic, family, religious, and personal credentials. Yet after he lays them out, he drops a bomb: He says that he counts them all as rubbish. Why? Because in his former life these credentials had been the ground of his confidence before the Lord. And even now he knew he could once again begin to believe that God loved him because of who he was and that God owed him because of what he had done. And he knew that if this was constantly on his mind, it might entrap or distract him. So he “forgot” it to keep it from negatively impacting his ability to serve the Lord. (See Philippians 3:12-14)
Of course, he didn’t forget it in the sense of purging it from his memory altogether. He forgot it in the sense of no longer allowing it to impact his thinking and no longer ground his confidence. And I think it’s worth taking our cue from Paul to think of a few different things he might tell you to forget.
He would tell you to forget your spiritual heritage if you are tempted to make this the grounds of your confidence before the Lord. If your parents and grandparents were Christians, you ought to praise God for that blessing—and it is a great blessing, indeed. But you ought to forget it if it in any way may cause you to set your hope on your heritage instead of on Christ.
You need to forget your spiritual accomplishments. You might find yourself recounting the good things you once did for the Lord or the great things he once did through you. But you need to forget about those accomplishments if they are making you complacent about obedience today, if they are tempting you to think “I’ve already done enough. I’ve already proven myself.” Obedience yesterday gives you no right to be complacent or disobedient today.
Confess that sin, then forget it. Leave it in the past with the God who has already forgotten it in the same way.Share
Just as you need to forget about your spiritual accomplishments, you also need to forget about your spiritual failures. You might look back and get all bound up in shame for the evil things you once did or the people you once harmed—and this shame may keep you from pressing on. But you have repented, you have been forgiven by God, you are a new man, a new woman. So confess that sin, then forget it. Leave it in the past with the God who has already forgotten it in the same way.
And then, you need to forget even your sorrow, even your suffering, even your grief, even your pain. You need to forget even these deep trials in any way that they may hinder you as you press on toward the goal.
Of course, it’s important to be nuanced with such deep and difficult trials. We might think about griefs—all the people you have loved who have died. Would Paul tell you to forget those people and leave them in the past? No, God doesn’t demand you live as if they never existed, as if you never loved them, as if you don’t love them still. But he does mean for you to understand that these losses did not happen apart from his providence, that somehow they are part of his faultless plan for this world, and that somehow he will receive glory from it all. This is not easy. You need help to accept this and faith to believe it. But God is pleased to give the help and to grant the faith so you can accept and believe it.
This puts the responsibility on you to forget whatever it is in your sorrows or trials that might cause you to become trapped in the past instead of pressing on in the present. It calls you to forget whatever would cause you to look to God with reproach instead of submission and to forget whatever would cause you to live in a state of never-ending sorrow instead of enjoying God’s many blessings. It puts the responsibility on you to forget anything that might impede your full-out pressing on toward the Lord.
God’s call to each of us is plain: We must always press on—press on toward the goal and press on to receive the prize. To run this race well, we must run unhindered—unhindered by sin, of course, but also by whatever lies in the past that may threaten to slow us, to weigh us down, or to keep us from reaching the finish line. Forgetting what lies behind, we must discipline ourselves to press on—to always and ever press on toward the end of our race and to our Savior’s open arms. -
A La Carte (February 24)
Good morning. Grace and peace to you.
Today’s Kindle deals include several excellent titles on justification. There’s a study Bible in the mix as well.
Alan Noble responds to some recent writing about masculinity. “A positive Christian account of masculinity involves the use of power for protecting, sacrificing for, serving, and caring for the vulnerable. It also sees the pursuit of greatness, magnanimity, not as a perverse egotism, but as a striving for excellence for God’s glory and the good of the community … I’m not implying that women don’t also desire greatness, but I think men, particularly young men, often feel this desire acutely. At least, that is my sense of things. They experience it as a great burden.”
Casey continues writing about some of his concerns with therapy culture. “We live in a therapeutic age that trains us to label every emotional struggle as disease. We are trained to identify illnesses for which we bear no responsibility. Our mental state is determined solely by forces outside our control. As a result, we bypass our own moral agency and engage in an external battle against invisible forces with the help of the professional medical class. Our greatest problem is never in here—in what the Bible calls the ‘mind’ or ‘heart’; it’s always out there in an oppressive trauma-inducing society that wreaks havoc on emotionally-deficient persons.”
“The human body matters, both in life and in death. Our physical being is part of who we are. God has made us with body, mind, heart, and spirit. Harming the body is an affront to human dignity and life. Mistreating the remains of the dead signals a level of disdain both for the dead and for those who are left behind that is inhuman.”
This article grapples with the reality that many Christians can feel that, because of all they’ve done for God, they ought to be exempt from difficulties.
Justin writes to the fearful. “You are not alone, Christian believer! God’s people have always wrestled with fear, with questions, with sickening doubts when it comes to the many challenges of living in a sinful world. Yet the answer continually returns: there is no need to fear!”
Anthony Bradley has an interesting one here: “For decades, popular music has served as a powerful medium for artists to grapple with personal trauma, none more resonant than the wounds inflicted by bad fathers. From abandonment to emotional neglect, musicians have transformed their pain into melody, offering listeners both catharsis and a window into the lifelong consequences of paternal failure. In the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries, a wave of songs emerged that directly confronted the heartbreak of absentee or neglectful fathers, spanning genres and generations in a cultural reckoning with broken families.”
…while the Bible clearly commends marriage and expects it for the majority of people, it offers little guidance on getting there…So what are we to do?
Let us beware lest we do injustice to others by believing false things about them. What is it in human nature, that inclines people to believe evil of others? Shall we not strive to have the love which thinks no evil?
—J.R. Miller -
Weekend A La Carte (July 6)
I’m so grateful to ChurchSocial for sponsoring the blog this week. This week they are highlighting the software’s value to leaders within the church.
Today’s Kindle deals include a variety of different titles headlined by a book about one of history’s most inspiring Olympians.
(Yesterday on the blog: Molded in the Master’s Hands)Peter Van Doodewaard has a sweet celebration of motherhood: “There are profound similarities between husbands and wives, and these provide common ground for communion and fellowship. There are also profound differences—some obvious and some nuanced—which deepen the joy and wonder of that communion and fellowship.”
Wendy Alsup answers some hard questions: “How should we understand Deuteronomy 22? And does its inclusion in the Scriptures mean the Bible cannot be trusted to guide and direct women today?”
I love reading missionary updates and found this one particularly encouraging.
T. M. Suffield has some really interesting thoughts on discipleship. “When you stick ‘-ship’ on the end of something you end up systematising a phenomenon and developing a ‘science’ (in the sense of a body of knowledge). We see this in ‘leadership’ for example. A similar thing has happened with ‘discipleship.’”
Cara writes about the power of the Word of God and offers a vivid illustration along the way.
If you spend a good bit of your life commuting, you may benefit from Jessica Schroeder’s article about stewarding that time well.
The free and willing sacrifice of their own wealth caused them to rejoice. Each one gave as he decided in his own heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion. God loves that kind of cheerful giver and God’s people love to be that kind of cheerful giver.
Believer, when you are on your knees, remember you are going to a King. Let your petitions be large.
—C.H. Spurgeon