The Preciousness of Daily Bread

The Preciousness of Daily Bread

Morning by morning, if we look to Him, He will deliver the manna to our door. He provides with tenderness and love and absolute perfection. His timing is always right, often waiting till the midnight hour so we will learn one more lesson that builds our faith and perseverance and gives the watching world a stunning testimony of our Father’s love and faithfulness.

Everyone must eat, and it must be daily. It’s possible to go without food for a while, but it’s not healthy. God has designed us to eat every day.

This is why God’s provision of daily bread is so precious.

Manna in the Wilderness

When God led the Israelites from Egypt to the Promised Land, they quickly ran out of food as they crossed the desert. There were several million in their company, and their immediate response (it always was) was to grumble and complain.

Of course, the Father had a plan. He was leading them, and He leads us in all the right paths for His name’s sake. He used this massive national problem to teach them by providing their daily food in the most precious way.

Then the Lord said to Moses, “Behold, I will rain bread from heaven for you; and the people shall go out and gather a day’s portion every day, that I may test them, whether or not they will walk in My instruction. (Exodus 16:4)

Every Day Bread

The manna was there every single day for the next 40 years (146,000 days). It was provided the same way each day and precisely in the amount needed.

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