The Uncertainties in Life
Every one of us is now experiencing the sad effects of living in a broken world, a world where uncertainties confront us each day. This is our reality; we cannot ignore this truth and push it aside. The real question is not whether we will encounter and experience uncertainty but how we will respond to the uncertainty of the things that we encounter.
Most of you have heard the well-known saying: Nothing in life is certain except death and taxes. While there may be some certainty to this quip, much more can be said. Everyone experiences the reality of life and its uncertainties to one degree or another. Some face uncertainty in their relationships; some are uncertain whether they will be married. Some have uncertain diagnoses regarding health, whether they will continue to suffer or heal; others have uncertainty regarding employment, whether they will be able to provide for the needs of life. Some may experience the uncertainty of their own or a loved one’s salvation. When we begin each day, we are uncertain how it will end. While there are uncertainties involving our personal lives, there is also uncertainty at a community and global level. Questions about wars, riots, immigration, pandemics, and the fallout from these events are all uncertain. We will undoubtedly be affected by them. The Apostle Paul often used the expression “we know.” We, too, could use it and say, “We know that life is uncertain.” Our experiences in life are filled with uncertainties. Some people naturally focus on the uncertainties of life more than others, but none can add a day to their lives, none can predict the future, and none can guarantee the outcome.
So what is it about uncertainty that makes us uncomfortable or fearful? Part of it is that we are not in control, even though we have believed the lie—as Adam and Eve did—that said we would be in control. Our experience of suffering or happiness is connected to the outcome of our uncertainty. As long as we are able to control our environment and the outcome of things, we imagine that everything is fine. As long as our selfish hearts’ desires are satisfied, we are content.