The Verdict

The Verdict

I’ve reflected on my first words after being shot and not being able to talk for 2 months. These words seem very appropriate now, “Hallelujah! Thank you, Jesus, sweet sweet Jesus.” While the road to recovery continues, today’s verdict gives us a sense of peace. We have found solace in God’s faithfulness and His mercies which are new every morning. 

As many of our followers on Gentle Reformation will know, two years ago this month our son-in-law, Tommy, was shot in the line of duty in his third week on the job as an officer for the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department (IMPD). We have chronicled the journey the Lord has taken Tommy and Emory on with the following posts.

Abiding in the Almighty’s Shadow | Emory recounting the night of the shooting

Continuing to Abide in the Almighty’s Shadow | A six-month update that includes local Indy newscasts. This link is of Emory reading Psalm 91 on air.

Shattered | Emory’s article on the first anniversary after the shooting

WRTV Article | This article gives details of the trial this month with a video news report

3GT Interview | An episode where you hear Tommy & Emory explain their journey

Last week on February 13-15, the trial was held for the man who shot Tommy. The courtroom scene was intense, especially because this man chose to represent himself, took no responsibility for his actions, made terrible lies and accusations against those involved in this case, and was able to directly examine Tommy.

Yet, after a relatively brief time of deliberation, the jurors brought back guilty verdicts for all nine counts against him, including two counts of attempted murder against Tommy and the officer credited with saving Tommy’s life. We rejoice over this display of justice.

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