The Word that Cannot be Bound Offers Hope that Cannot Fail
God’s Word is true and cannot be bound. God’s Word gives us a sure and certain hope for our future. That hope means, though we might suffer for it now, we have good reason to press on because we’ll be vindicated in the end.
We might faithfully speak God’s truth but where people believe lies, being right doesn’t mean we’ll be well received. The prophet Jeremiah spoke God’s truth and was right about everything he said. That didn’t stop him being beaten and put in the stocks. It didn’t stop people hating him because they hated his message.
Truth is always true but the truth is people don’t always welcome the truth. God’s Word may be right, but people don’t always want to hear what is right. We may share God’s Word as it is but people may hate us for it.
Nevertheless, it doesn’t matter how much people hate God’s Word or what they do to God’s people. God’s Word can’t be stopped. Truth remains true whether people want to hear it or not. God’s Word remains true whether people welcome it or not. God’s Word will come to pass whether people respond well to it or actively stand against it.
We may face the sharp end of the world’s hatred of God’s Word. We may be harmed and persecuted because of God’s Word. But the world cannot stop God’s Word. He promises that we’ll be vindicated in the end.
Unfortunately, knowing you’re right doesn’t make harm and persecution feel good.