This Life Is All about Jesus

This Life Is All about Jesus

As we think of Jesus, he was radical in the way he served people. In a culture that despised the idea of “servanthood” Jesus was eventually murdered on a cross for his heart of service to the world. 

Counter Cultural in Age of Ego-Centeredness

“Take all I can!” That seems like what I see often whenever I turn around. That’s pride isn’t it? Maybe at your work you think, “Man, he never talks about himself. He never makes us have to listen to him. Man he doesn’t think he’s got all the answers.” I believe pride is the root of all sin. You look all around with problems, it is usually rooted in pride. The antidote to pride is, “humility”

Humility as C.S. Lewis said, “Humility is not thinking less of your self but thinking about yourself less” Humility is not ego-centered, arrogant or being self centered but others focused. These are people who are more concern for the success of others rather than self. Seems like such a rare trait we see these days anymore in the younger generation.

Serving is not a popular vocation in the 21st century American. It seems like, people are more interested in being served rather than to serve.

As we think of Jesus, he was radical in the way he served people. In a culture that despised the idea of “servanthood” Jesus was eventually murdered on a cross for his heart of service to the world.

The world needs Jesus. Jesus the humble babe, the humble servant and the humble King.

1. Service of Jesus

I love the opening of how the gospel of Mark opens up, “The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.” (Mark 1:1). You see? The theme is ALL ABOUT JESUS! Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God.

What did he come to do? He came as a Servant of the Lord to do the will of the Father.

That is a very good news which is found in this;

  1. Jesus is good to us,
  2. Jesus has suffered for us,
  3. Jesus was raised from dead.

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