his is the final episode of our series focusing on Christians fulfilling our responsibility to speak God’s words carefully, accurately, and timely.
We started last week looking at our ultimate example in our Lord Jesus Christ. He perfectly spoke the words the Father gave Him to speak. He spoke comforting words to the hurting, convicting words to the lost, and glorifying words to the Father. We are called to do the same.
But how was He able to do that? This week Dr. John Snyder and Teddy James look at the tools Jesus used to learn how to glorify God in His life. How did He know what would please His Father? How did He know the words to say, the path to walk? It wasn’t a mystical, magical power. He didn’t have a secret antenna through which He heard the Father speak. He had the same Scriptures, the same prayer, and the same indwelling Holy Spirit available to us. Now, He was able to study with an uncorrupted mind and heart. But He had a fully human mind and heart, the same as us. How can we know those things will be enough for us? Because God promises they will be.
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