This is The Briefing, a daily analysis of news and events from a Christian worldview.
Part I (00:13 – 16:19)
The Sexual Revolution and Its Strange Allies: The Massive Issues Behind Ohio Governor DeWine’s Veto of House Bill 68
- The transgender revolutionaries want our children by WORLD Opinions (R. Albert Mohler, Jr.)
Part II (16:19 – 21:28)
What’s Behind a Name? Disqualification of Transgender Candidate in Ohio Shows Danger Posed by New Ideological Notions of Name and Identity
- Transgender Candidate in Ohio Is Disqualified for Not Disclosing Birth Name by New York Times (Emily Schmall)
Part III (21:28 – 25:07)
The Very Dangerous World of Artificial Intelligence: Emergence of AI Pornography Raises Huge Issues of Morality and Identity
- Dark Corners of the Web Offer a Glimpse at A.I.’s Nefarious Future by New York Times (Stuart A. Thompson)
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