We Must Stand

We Must Stand

Most importantly, we need awards for political leaders who exercise their proper dominion to rule in such a way that nature might continue to exist as it awaits its ultimate perfection by grace, not eradicated by techne. Only by honoring courage will we free future generations to live as Christians in freedom and abundance, built upon the solid foundation stone of Christ.

Friday, July 26th, I, along with hundreds of millions of Christians around the world, sat down to watch the 2024 Olympic Opening Ceremonies. We hoped to experience something that would express the beauty of historic French culture and the spirit of international competition.. Instead, what we experienced was a grotesquerie of beheaded monarchs, bearded drag-queen stripteases, and an alphabet person recreation of Leonardo da Vinci’s Last Supper. One of Western Christianity’s most well known and beloved pieces of religious art, inspired not only by the holy moment of institution, but by the Christian civilization that sprung up and took dominion over the European continent.

To top it off, a blue man with curly blonde beard, supposedly representing Bacchus or Dionysus, lying within a human sized cloche, the subject of the “feast” took up a microphone and quipped, gamboled and paraded before the international television audience. Dionysus was the “Christ Figure,” and as the openly lesbian DJ Barbara Butch’s stated on her Instagram story, it was an attempt at “recreation.” They had apparently not heard that, “The great god Pan is dead.”  Where once bread and wine were transformed by yeast into food and food into the presence of God through Christ, we ourselves are transformed into yeast through the incarnate presence of debauchery. It was a fitting tribute to the new sacred religion of the Negative World. We in the West now feast upon debauchery itself.

I immediately texted my wife to make sure our children would not watch this Opening Ceremony, and followed that up with similar messages and images to family and friends. I reflected on what the Christian response should be to this obvious blasphemy and degeneracy. Christians have faced these things before. Art exhibits displaying heresy, “Pride” parades putting degeneracy in the public face, Satanic transgender nuns subverting America’s pastime by being honored during Dodger’s Games. Television and cinema that Christians have felt compelled to avoid. But this seemed different. This was an attempt by satanic and nefarious actors to seize public space, proliferation of a “new” good news.

Nature abhors a vacuum and in the attempt to create a naked public square devoid of religious expression, we have supplanted the old Christian moral order founded on the rule of Christ and the resurrection of the dead with a new moral order that promises a different kind of transcendence. A replacement of nature’s restrictions with an eternal hope grounded in technology (surgery and surrogacy with a view to artificial wombs) and medicine (hormone blockers and antiretrovirals).

And this was done on the world’s largest stage before the world’s largest audience. Billions of dollars and some of the largest human institutions back this event. What am I, the lone Christian to do? As always, I believe we can turn to scripture for the answers we so desperately seek.

In the penultimate passage from the Sermon on the Mount, we read one of the most terrifying pieces of scripture in the New Testament. After expanding the law to include acts of the eyes and thoughts of the mind and warning the people against falseness of both their hearts and the hearts of others, Jesus brings a warning that many who claim Him, who name him, and even do work in His name will be cast away from Him and banished to that place of external suffering where there is “darkness and gnashing of teeth.” A potentially terrifying thought to anyone who has spent a lifetime as a Christian attempting to live out the faith.

Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? 

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