Creflo Dollar Dreams of Gunning Down Non-Tithers
What Happens When the Importance of Numbers Outweighs the Importance of Truth
What Earth Does the Word “Missional” Mean?
Sermon Review, “How to Have an Affair” by Greg Bearss
Creflo Dollar Dreams of Gunning Down Non-Tithers
What Happens When the Importance of Numbers Outweighs the Importance of Truth
What Earth Does the Word “Missional” Mean?
Sermon Review, “How to Have an Affair” by Greg Bearss
00:06:01 Worst Easter Sermon Contestant #5 – Victoria Osteen
00:31:29 Worst Easter Sermon Contestant #6 – Perry Noble
Listener Email, Morality in Media Calls on Pastors to Preach Against Porn, Saddleback Church’s “High School Musical 3 Bible Study”, The Blazing Saddles Bible Study
Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness Against Thy Neighbor – Part 2