Why Are You So Afraid?
If you are a child of God through faith in Christ Jesus, he will rescue you because he delights in you. He will either draw you out of many waters or carry you through them. He may even invite you to walk on the waves with him by keeping your eyes on him. The Lord is your rock, your fortress, and your deliverer. So, I ask you again, why are you so afraid?
I know from experience that when faced with troublesome circumstances beyond our control, our natural reaction is to fear, but we must ask ourselves, “Why are you so afraid? Have you still no faith?” Have we forgotten our Father, and how many times he has delivered us? Yes, the storm is raging, but he can calm the storm. All he needs to do is say, “Peace, be still,” and the winds will cease (Mark 4:35-41).
Your Lord once freed a man tormented by a legion of evil spirits. The man used to walk day and night among the tombs, cutting himself with stones. The mere presence of Jesus caused the demons to cry out, “Jesus, Son of the Most High God, what have you to do with us?” Immediately, the unclean spirits came out of him, and he was clothed and in his right mind (Mark 5:1-20). Why are you so afraid? Do you think your troubles are more significant than this?
He raised Jairus’s daughter from the dead and fed the 5000. A woman with a flow of blood for twelve years only needed to touch the hem of his garment, and he made her well. Is your distress too much for him?
Sometimes, Jesus uses the very wind and waves to approach us.