Listener Email, Eugene Peterson’s Dangerous Quote, Virgin Mary Spotted at NY Art Expo, Survey Comparing Beliefs of Conservatives and Liberals, John 11, The Greatest Threat to the Church in America, Wild Goose Chase of a Sermon Review
Listener Email, Eugene Peterson’s Dangerous Quote, Virgin Mary Spotted at NY Art Expo, Survey Comparing Beliefs of Conservatives and Liberals, John 11, The Greatest Threat to the Church in America, Wild Goose Chase of a Sermon Review
Sermon Review: Shipwrecked by Jamie Austin Woodlake Church, Tulsa OK
Listener Email, Is Obama’s Presidency Going to be Purpose Driven?, New Survey Confirms That Majority of Christians in America Believe Many Faiths Lead to Eternal Life, The Fulfilled Prophecies of Jesus, Sermon Review – When Your Finances Need a U-Turn.
• Maundy Thursday Devotional