Responding to questions from listeners about how much Old Testament Law applies, what is essential about eschatology, can unbelievers receive visions and voices, and what are the different end times views. Visit for all our videos!
Responding to questions from listeners about how much Old Testament Law applies, what is essential about eschatology, can unbelievers receive visions and voices, and what are the different end times views. Visit for all our videos!
Responding to a letter written by Hawk Nelson supporting Jon Steingard, where does the term “Unconditional Love” come from, does the Bible talk about it, and is God for everyone? Visit for all our videos!
Reading Matthew 13:1-17 where Jesus gives His disciples the parable of the sower and explains to them the reason He speaks to them in parables. Visit for all our videos!
Reading Romans 16:25-27 and understanding the doxology Paul concludes his letter with to know the mysteries of God. Visit for all of our videos!