Reading Matthew 5:33-37 where Jesus talked about making oaths, not swearing by heaven or by the earth or even by your own head, but let your yes be yes and your no be no. Visit for all our videos!
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WWUTT 1615 Q&A with Brian and Megan Basham
Responding to a question from a listener about who to trust when it comes to news, with special guests Brian and Megan Basham to help us think through news and entertainment choices as Christians. Visit for all our videos!
WWUTT 1091 The Jerusalem Council?
Reading Acts 15:1-5 where false teachers try to cause a disruption in the church by teaching heretically that you are saved by faith and works. Visit for all our videos!
WWUTT 853 I Am the Bread of Life?
Reading John 6:33-40 where Jesus says that He is the bread of life, and all that the Father gives Him He will never cast out. Visit for all our videos!