Reading Matthew 16:21-28 where Jesus tells His disciples that He is about to be put to death but He will rise on the third day, and Peter, not thinking with the mind of God, rebukes Him for this. Visit for all our videos!
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WWUTT 812 Jesus Did Not Come to Condemn the World?
Reading John 3:17-18 where we are told Jesus did not come to condemn the world, because the world was already condemned. Visit for all our videos!
WWUTT 1275 Q&A To Mask or Not to Mask? That is the Question
Responding to questions from listeners about if the Bible tells us to wear a mask, what if your church tells you to wear a mask, what if the government says wear a mask, and are masks even effective? Visit for all our videos!
Saturday Special: No, Democrat Presidents Do Not Reduce Abortions
This is from the archives, where Pastor Gabe exposes the false claim that a Democrat president actually reduces abortions. Visit for more articles!