Reading Mark 7:18-19 where Jesus tells His disciples that what goes into a man is not what makes him unclean, and we get a better understanding of what is meant when it is said, “Thus He declared all foods clean.” Visit for all our videos!
Reading Mark 7:18-19 where Jesus tells His disciples that what goes into a man is not what makes him unclean, and we get a better understanding of what is meant when it is said, “Thus He declared all foods clean.” Visit for all our videos!
Reading Psalms 74 and 75, where the psalmist pleads for God to judge His enemies, and thank the Lord that we have been redeemed in Christ Jesus. Visit for all our videos!
Reading 1 Corinthians 7:15-16 where the Apostle Paul gives a personal word to those Christians whose unbelieving spouse has left home. Visit for all our videos!
Reading Psalms 2, 3, and 4, hearing how the Lord cares for His own and will deliver them from despair and the strength of their enemies. Visit for all our videos!