Reading Jeremiah 7:21-29 where God is continuing to promise judgment upon Judah for their rebellion, for His people keep going back to their sin instead of returning to God. Visit for all our videos!
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WWUTT 1356 Submit to the Governing Authorities (Romans 13:1-4)
Reading Romans 13:1-4 where we are told that the governing authorities that exist have been instituted by God, and we are to be in subjection in obedience to God. Visit for all our videos!
Sunday Sermon: A Divine Jealousy For You (2 Corinthians 11:1-4)
Pastor Gabriel Hughes preaches on 2 Corinthians 11:1-4 where the Apostle Paul contends for the hearts of the church, so they’d not be led astray by false teachers. Visit for more info about our church.
WWUTT 1708 Even Satan Disguises Himself as an Angel of Light (2 Corinthians 11:11-17)
Reading 2 Corinthians 11:11-17 as the Apostle Paul continues to appeal to the Corinthians to turn from false teachers back to the truth of the gospel. Visit for all our videos!