Responding to questions about the Trinity, why it’s an important doctrine, correcting opponents with gentleness and respect, reaching out to Andy Stanley followers, and understanding liberal theology. Visit for all our videos!
Responding to questions about the Trinity, why it’s an important doctrine, correcting opponents with gentleness and respect, reaching out to Andy Stanley followers, and understanding liberal theology. Visit for all our videos!
Reading 2 Timothy 2:24-26 where the Apostle Paul tells Timothy to pursue righteousness with the church and patiently endure evil. Visit for all our videos!
Reading Hebrews 3:7-11 where the hearers are warned from Psalm 95, do not harden your hearts as the people did who saw the work of God and still did not believe. Visit for all our videos!
The Apostle Paul writes to the church in Corinth, rebuking them over the sins they’re guilty of, calling them to repentance, and preaching the gospel of Christ. Visit for all our videos!