You Are Not Your Desires

You Are Not Your Desires

Written by Andrew T. Walker |
Thursday, June 20, 2024

We do not go looking to the experience of our desires to validate an identity. We go to Scripture. The fact of “naturally occurring” experiences or desires tells us nothing about the appropriateness of those occurrences or desires. “If it feels good, do it” is devastating as an ethic. 

It is a cultural myth that December is America’s most religious month. It is not, if we define religiosity by what truly grips the affections of the country’s elite.

June is now our most religious month. June is when the parades and symbology of America’s primary religion flowers: the religion of sexual transgression.

December is now just a pro forma and perfunctory overture to America’s past golden age as a Christian nation, a time when sodomy, the denial of biologically determined gender, and telling young children to ingest hormones were not considered deeply held American values.

But that is not the America we live in. June reveals the true religious center of elite American life. And our elites, it seems, are deeply enamored with and captured by all things homosexual.

It is not just about homosexuality or transgenderism. It is now about the worship of sensuality and nerve endings. We can be shocked by this, but familiarity with Scripture should disabuse us of this shock. The Apostle Paul does, after all, warn against sexual sin (Romans 13:13).

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