Why do we celebrate Christmas… or more fundamentally, should we celebrate it at all? Les sits down with Michael Ives and Joseph Spurgeon to debate whether or not Christians should celebrate Christmas.
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Why do we celebrate Christmas… or more fundamentally, should we celebrate it at all? Les sits down with Michael Ives and Joseph Spurgeon to debate whether or not Christians should celebrate Christmas.
Leave a voicemail: (772) 324-9328
Who are you? Why do you act the way you do? What must be overcome for man to be saved? Les sits down with the eloquent Neil Stewart to discuss human nature in all of its various states.Leave a voicemail: (772) 324-9328
On the first episode of Gospel Riot, Les sits down with James White to discuss the foundational distinction between who God is and who we are. Leave a voicemail: (772) 324-9328
Who is Jesus? What is He like? What has he done for us? These are the most important questions you'll ever ask. Les sits down with Mark Jones to discuss the person and work of Christ.Leave a voicemail: (772) 324-9328