What Does the Bible Say About Justice?

Episode 210 | Dr. Michael Horton and Adriel Sanchez answer caller questions.

Show Notes


Key questions answered in today’s show:

1. Should Christians evangelize even if they don’t fully understand the gospel or important doctrines or should they wait until they are taught first?

2. Why did the apostles say, “Jesus is Lord” and not “Jesus is God”?

3. Psalm 101 begins, “I will sing of steadfast love and justice; to you, O LORD, I will make music.” It strikes me how often the Bible celebrates justice and yet when I think about justice it reminds me of prisons, judges and lawyers. What is the Bible’s view of justice? And how is it different or similar to ideas of justice in our cultural context?

4. I know that in the Bible God promises to have wonderful plans for our lives, but I don’t feel like I’m walking in God’s blessing. Maybe it’s because I have weak faith or that God is dealing with sin in my life. Can you help?

5. Does the office of deacon serve the church or the outside world or both?

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