This is The Briefing, a daily analysis of news and events from a Christian worldview.
Part I (00:13 – 16:13)
Dangerous Precedent Raises Big Questions: What Justified Raid of Former President’s Residence? Is There A Good Answer? The Proof Better Come Fast
Part II (16:13 – 23:36)
Even Liberal Media Acknowledge the Inflation Reduction Act Will Not Actually Reduce Inflation: So Why Are Democrats Touting This as a Legislative Victory?
- What the Inflation Reduction Act Will and Won’t Accomplish by Washington Post (Editorial Board)
- Did Democrats Just Save Civilization? by New York Times (Paul Krugman)
Part III (23:36 – 26:52)
‘I’ve Kept the Most Interesting Company Imaginable with People Long Gone’: Prolific American Historian and Storyteller, David McCullough, Dies at 89
- David McCullough, Best-Selling Explorer of America’s Past, Dies at 89 by New York Times (Daniel Lewis)
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