Podcasts are a wonderful vehicle to convey ideas and information. But they are not perfect. Due to the limited time frame of our podcasts, we have a tendency to hit the highlights of a Scriptural passage, book, or idea and then move on. Because of this reality, we wanted to take one episode to reemphasize some key truths before we continue moving forward in our study of 2 Corinthians.
The first truth we want to emphasize is that Christ is spread from life to life, not library to library or even podcast to podcast. It takes us living the life of holiness before those God brings into our paths. Our lives must affirm and confirm that gospel truths we speak of Scripture.
Another truth we want to reemphasize and focus on is that we must look to the boasts of Christ when life become difficult. When the storms of life roll in, when the waves of despair begin crashing against us again and again, we can easily lose hope. Paul was tempted to despair, just as we are. But it was the glories of Christ that sustained Him. He refused to back down from the Holy Spirit’s boasts of Jesus and he daily chose to walk forward as though they are true. We must walk this same path.
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