A La Carte (June 20)
I like to provide the occasional reminder that a good bit of the content of this site is available in Spanish at es.challies.com. Enjoy!
(Yesterday on the blog: With Blistered Hands and Aching Backs)
How Does the Doctrine of the Bodily Resurrection Shape the Life of the Local Church?
From Credo magazine: “Biblical doctrine is not just for the head but for the heart, for daily life as a disciple of Jesus. So it is, too, with the doctrine of bodily resurrection. Thinking about the future will help us here and now. In local churches that are pursuing faithfulness to Christ, we will want to connect the importance of sound doctrine to the lives of our church members. How, then, does the doctrine of bodily resurrection shape the life of the local church? Let’s reflect on four ways.”
Forgetting God
Benjamin Shaw explains how we can be forgetful people–so much so that we can begin to become forgetful toward God.
My Unbelieving Dad Helped Me See Jesus
“I wouldn’t be the Christian I am today if it wasn’t for my father. Plenty of people express this sentiment, but I’m different. My dad isn’t a Christian.” This is a sweet testimony to God’s goodness.
How to Live for God by Fearing Him First
“The fear of God does not repulse us but attracts us. The fear of God does not enslave us but liberates us. The fear of God does not drive us to desperation but guides us to peace. In sum, there is no greater thing to fill our hearts than the fear of God. ”
God’s pleasure is not reserved for a particularly faithful few
Stephen wants us to consider that God’s “well done” is not reserved for just the particularly faithful few. And the reason for that is all about the work of Christ and our union with him.
Preaching that Moves the Heart
Here’s a good, basic take on preaching that moves the heart.
Flashback: Before You Pack Up and Leave…
What should you do when you begin feeling discontent at your church? What should you do when you feel that yearning to pick up and move on? What should you do when you find yourself eager to slip out of one church and into another? I’d like to offer just a few suggestions that I hope you’ll consider and put into practice.
Humans cannot truly thrive unless we hear and take to heart what God says about us, our purpose and our need. —Edward Welch