Porn is absolutely destructive to relationships and faith. How do we break the power of sexual immorality that exists in the church? Les sits down with Jeremy Wiles to discuss the scandalous topic of porn in the Church.
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11. Rejecting Roman Catholicism with Paul Barth
Are Roman Catholics Christians? Should we work together with them for Jesus? Where have they gone wrong? Les sits down with Paul Barth to discuss the errors of Rome and how we should think about them.Leave a voicemail: (772) 324-9328
12. Civil Disobedience with Robert McCurley
How do we live in submission to Jesus while also submitting to godless authorities? What does it mean to honor the government or to love your neighbor during this pandemic? Les sits down with Robert MccCurley to discuss living with Christ as King even under tyrannical oppression.Leave a voicemail: (772) 324-9328
13. Faith and Works with Michael Spangler
Do works play any part in our salvation? Do Christians have to obey God? Are we justified by faith alone or faith plus works? Les sits down with Michael Spangler to discuss the relationship between faith and our good works.Leave a voicemail: (772) 324-9328