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The Death of Football—and Common Sense, Sanity, and Reality
What is wrong with these people? Their brainwashing and indoctrination is now fully complete. They cannot think straight and they no longer know the difference between reality and fantasyland. And they write and say all this crapolla with a perfectly straight face! This really is the end of Australia and the West.
In an article I just penned hours ago I spoke of the passing of an era. I discussed the funeral of Queen Elizabeth and noted how we may not see similar things again. The old order of faith, tradition, loyalty and responsibility is being replaced with a new order of unbelief, novelty, rebellion and selfishness.
And these are but symptoms of a bigger malaise: the slow but steady erosion of Christianity in the West and the rise of secular humanism in all its forms. As God and faith go, we see a rise in madness, immorality and lunacy. And we see this nowhere more clearly in the giant behemoth of transgenderism.
We seem to be watching in real time the rise of a zombie apocalypse where most of our elites and leaders have abandoned all reason, all logic, and all sanity as they cheerily embrace the moonbat ideology of the trans revolutionaries.
And these folks are now fully in control of the media, of entertainment, of politics, of culture, and of education. They are pushing this insanity on the rest of us hapless peons. Of interest, what shot Jordan Peterson into the social spotlight stratosphere was his stance on this issue.
He refused to bow down and worship at the altar of mass delusion and infantile temper tantrums. And so many of the rest of us feel the same way. Recently a friend was discussing all this and I said in reply, “While using a preferred name may not be too problematic, using a preferred pronoun is. That means I have to lie, and support someone in their delusion.”
People are never helped when we share in their lies, their confusion, and their mental meltdowns. As one meme making the rounds states, “I won’t use someone’s pronouns for the same reason I won’t talk to a schizophrenic’s imaginary friend.”
These people need help and counsel desperately. But they do NOT need affirmation, celebration, and promotion. Yet that is what we find everywhere, certainly in the brainless lamestream media. Consider the latest case of this idiocy. An important event for the Australian Football League is its annual awards night, the Brownlows.
Here top athletes are honoured while their partners get to showcase their frocks and hairdos. Since the team I like happens to be in the Grand Final this weekend, I turned it on, and almost spilled my dinner. A former footballer has over the past few years decided that he is now a she, and all the media meatheads are more than happy to play along with this nonsense.
It was utterly embarrassing to behold. I refer to Dean Laidley who has grown his hair and likes to wear dresses. No one questions this. No one challenges this. Instead, everyone just happily goes along with it, joining in with this mass delusion.
As I was watching all this transpire, I mentioned it on the social media, saying that I am sick of hearing supposedly intelligent adults calling a bloke a sheila. And I said that I am just waiting for some fool to ask him who did his hair and who designed his dress. And sure enough this actually happened! Good grief!
We know the mainstream media has long ago fully embraced the entire list of PC woke agenda items, including the trans madness, but this was utterly gross to behold. It appears it is now a requirement to get a lobotomy before landing a job in the media.
And within minutes you found headlines like this: “Danielle Laidley, partner Donna Leckie stun on Brownlow Medal red carpet,” along with this: “AFL legend Danielle Laidley has stepped out on the Brownlow Medal red carpet for the first time in years, stunning guests in a white gown.”
The article begins:
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Does the Bible Support Female Deacons? No.
The church’s deacons must identify, encourage, and promote the exercise of the gifts of men and women. They must acknowledge, with Paul, that aspects of the church’s diaconal ministry call for the contribution of the gifts, wisdom, and labor of believing women. And, as Luke and Paul routinely did, deacons must recognize and honor both men and women who selflessly and fruitfully minister to the needs of the saints. To aim for anything less would be unbiblical.
Does Scripture permit women to hold the office of deacon? In addressing this important question, we must bear a couple of things in mind. First, Reformed pastors and theologians, fully committed to the authority and inerrancy of Scripture, have disagreed about what the Bible teaches concerning women and the diaconate. This state of affairs calls for particular humility in discussing this question. Second, all sides recognize that women in some way have served in the diaconate in various periods of church history. Believers who argue for women in the diaconate, then, should not be automatically accused of sneaking the Trojan horse of modernity into the church.
We must be clear as to what the question is and is not. The question is not whether the Spirit gifts women to serve in the church. He manifestly does, a point the New Testament underscores by way of principle (1 Cor. 12:7; Eph. 4:7) and example (e.g., Rom. 16:1–5, 6, 12). The question is not whether women may actively participate in the church’s service ministries. The New Testament highlights the hospitality of the women mentioned in Luke 8:1–3, of John Mark’s mother (Acts 12:12), and of Lydia (Acts 16:14–15), even as it commends the charitable service of Dorcas (Acts 9:36). The question is whether the Bible permits women to serve in the office of deacon. The Bible opens the office of diaconate to men only.
The Case for Men Only
The diaconate is one of two ordinary offices the New Testament prescribes for the church. The diaconate is an office of “service both to the physical and spiritual needs of the people,” and the eldership is an office of ruling and teaching (The Book of Church Order of the Presbyterian Church in America, 7-2).
While deacons are not tasked with governing the church, they possess and exercise authority to carry out their calling of serving the church. We can see this point, for instance, in what is likely the establishment of the office of deacon in the church, Acts 6:1–6. The deacons take up from the apostles the work of daily distributing food to the church’s widows (Acts 6:1). The details of this kind of work find elaboration in 1 Timothy 5:1–16. Here, Paul’s instructions regarding diaconal ministry to widows assume spiritual authority on the part of the deacons. These deacons, after all, are charged with determining which widows qualified to receive the church’s benevolence. As officeholders in the church, deacons possess and exercise God-given authority to serve the congregation’s needs.
The New Testament limits the holding of office in the church to men. Paul writes to Timothy, “I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet” (1 Tim. 2:12). To be sure, the context of Paul’s statement is the church gathered in worship, and particularly the work of preaching (1 Tim. 2:8–15). Paul’s statement, however, is not limited to the preaching of the Word in public worship. Paul here forbids women from exercising authority in the church. The fact that proper household management—the due exercise of authority in the home—is a qualification for men seeking both the office of elder (1 Tim. 3:5) and also deacon (1 Tim. 3:12) indicates that Paul’s prohibition in 1 Timothy 2:12 concerns the offices of the church generally.
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White Lies and Biblical Truth
Lots of preachers out there telling it like it is without speaking to anyone present. Paul’s call to Timothy to preach the word in-season and out is a word to remind the gospel proclaimers that the gospel is always relevant to the life of men and women, to sinners of all stripes, and we can’t live in a world where the Church is full of the white lie. We must do all things in spirit and in truth.
With all the talk here recently about truth it seems like a good time of the year to think about where we are as a country, and as a church. Many of y’all have heard me tell the story that my parents had me convinced until I was about five years old that all the rigamoral and fireworks was being held in honor of my birthday. We’d go down to the waterfront in Charleston, West Virginia and hear the state symphony blast out the 1812 Overture while the national guard thundered their cannons and I’d start to thank people for coming once it was over. Most folks played along and thought is was cute, others just kind of stood there shocked and confused. I was probably a little bit of both when I finally realized it was the Fourth of July for America, not necessarily for me alone. Some people might say my mom and dad were lying to me. However, I think more about how cool it was, and what kind of honor it is to share a birthday with the greatest nation ever made in God’s blessed providence.
A little fun every now and then never hurt anyone.
These so-called white lies are defined by the google machine as untruths that don’t intend to harm. In other words it means that there is no malice involved. That brings up the question as what makes a difference between a fib that brings fun and a rib that brings pain. It’s probably one of those things that former Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart would say that he knows it when he sees it. Most of the time though it probably has a lot more to do with the person saying it and the person receiving it. We can joke and josh with a friend, or at least guys can. In today’s prayer and worship help we are going to think through a little bit about what the Bible has to say about the question, and moreso why it is the truth matters a whole more when we mean it.
I had a fellow I used to visit with in Mississippi say to me that he told one story so that he could tell me another one. At about the same age I was when my parents were telling me about the real reason for 1776 my dad was involved in some meetings related to the merger that took place in the early 1980s between the PCUS (the old Southern church) and the UPCUSA (the old Northern church), which is now the PCUSA. The three of us and my youngest sister at the time had grown up PCUS in the Greenbrier Presbytery, and still were at the time. I can remember my dad coming home from these merger meetings frustrated and mad. Now, that’s not too surprising for a Glaser, we have a tendency to 1) Be involved in meetings, and 2) Be frustrated with them. It’s part of the reason why we make such good Presbyterians.
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