Do You Know Why You do Everything You do?
Look at your calendar and your checkbook. How you spend your time and your resources is a great indicator of what you think is most important. Evaluate everything else in light of the value of experiencing Christ’s presence—walking and talking with Him every day—and rest in the most important thing.
Everyone has values, the things they feel are important. What most don’t realize is that their values determine the direction of their lives. They will always pursue what they think is most significant.
Over the years, I have watched men with wonderful families, good reputations, and excellent careers throw these all way because they became deceived. They thought something else—an adulterous relationship, for instance—was more valuable. Their reasoning goes out the window when their values are skewed.
Surpassing Value
Paul helps us with this. For many years, he was a man with twisted values until he met Christ on a Damascus road. His eyes were opened, and he realized the truth. The matured apostle writes these words at the end of his life.
More than that, I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them but rubbish so that I may gain Christ. (Philippians 3:8)
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Oaths in God’s Name—Deuteronomy 6:13
In Scripture God very specifically addresses the matter of using his name in a reverent manner:
“You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain.”Exodus 20:7
“It is the LORD your God you shall fear. Him you shall serve and by his name you shall swear.”Deuteronomy 6:13
In the Third Commandment God forbids using his name vainly, but does that include taking an oath in God’s name as is often done in courts of law, entering government service, and in marriage vows?
We should never take oaths lightly.
Essentially, an oath is calling out to God who knows our heart and the truth of what we affirm. The Heidelberg Catechism, first published in 1563, is a highly regarded summary of the Christian faith and has the following to say about the Third Commandment:
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The Greater Lesson of the Parable of the Good Samaritan
Eternal life on our own merits is impossible for a people who by nature hate God and neighbor. Salvation is brought to us by a Good Samaritan who showed us mercy and promises to return for us to take us into eternal life. We demonstrate that we are right with God not in trying to justify ourselves but when we love God and neighbor with this kind of humility, recognizing with great awe that we were the ones beaten up and left for dead because of sin, and that it was Jesus himself who crossed the road from heaven to save us.
The parable of the Good Samaritan is generally understood to be an ethical teaching of Jesus that challenges us to love our neighbor better. Most teachings on the parable are moralistic, leaving the impression that the imperative to “go and do likewise” is the sole aim of what Jesus is attempting to accomplish in telling the story.
But have we missed the greater lesson of what Jesus is impressing upon the hearer in this well-known story? Is the parable simply intended to press upon us the responsibility to love better? To answer this question, there is required a careful reflection of the context into which this parable comes. The parable is a surprising response to someone who understood well the demand of the law to love, but had failed to see how far he missed the mark of love in his own life.
The lawyer, seeking to justify himself, bypassed the question of his own need for deliverance.
Luke 10:25-37 records for us that a certain lawyer approaches Jesus to test him about how one can obtain eternal life. The lawyer specifically asks Jesus what he must “do to inherit eternal life.” When Jesus answers specific questions posed to him in the synoptic gospels, it is important to reflect carefully on the question that is being asked of Jesus. If the question being posed is not understood, the exegesis that follows will be faulty.
In this case, the lawyer asks the very same question of the rich young ruler, “what must I do to inherit eternal life”—two verbs. This is an entirely different question than those who asked Jesus for mercy, as with blind Bartimaeus or others who, as in the book of Acts, asked what they must do to be saved. Humble approaches to Jesus by those who asked for mercy and deliverance from sin received compassionate responses. This lawyer, however, is asking Jesus how, through his own efforts, he could achieve eternal life, not salvation.
Any attempt to justify ourselves is immediately met with the full weight of the laws demands.
The lawyer bypasses the question of his own need for deliverance, a detail that is obviously so important to Luke that he adds, for proper interpretive purposes, that the lawyer was “attempting to justify (δικαιῶσαι) himself” (Luke 10:29). As he stands before the only one who supplies the righteousness that comes from God, the lawyer’s attempt to justify himself is immediately met with the full weight of the laws demands.
Upon asking for eternal life, Jesus poses as question of his own: “What is written in the law? How do you read it?” The lawyer responds by citing Deuteronomy 6:5, the great Shema, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart will all your soul, with all your strength and with all your mind and your neighbor as yourself.” Jesus responds from Leviticus 18:5 with a perennial blow that should have made any Israelite tremble: “Do this and you will live.”
Jesus’ use of Leviticus 18:5 in this context is a direct response to the lawyer attempting to justify himself in asking Jesus for eternal life based his own merits. This demonstrates that any attempt to self-justify oneself before God to achieve eternal life is always met with the divine standard of perfect and complete obedience. Jesus does not mince words. He answers the lawyer by saying “if you do this, you will have the eternal life that you are seeking.”
Jesus tells a story to explain what it means to fulfill the intent of the law.
The glaring omission in the dialogue, unlike that of the rich young ruler who openly said he obeyed the law, is the silence of the lawyer with regard to his own performance of love. The problem, as much of the rabbinic tradition evidences, is that a neighbor was only understood to be a fellow Jew. The question is whether Leviticus 19:8, in its command to love one’s neighbor, only intended love to be exercised for a fellow Israelite, as the Rabbinic writings indicate, or did it demand love for all peoples.
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RE Steve Dowling Elected Moderator of the 51st PCA General Assembly
Dowling has been active in the Southeast Alabama Presbytery. He has served as Presbytery Moderator twice, on several committees and commissions, including judicial commissions, and the Nominating Committee for past 12 years. At the General Assembly level, Dowling has served on the Overtures Committee for 14 years straight, chairing it twice. He has also served on the Committee on Constitutional Business (CCB) and for the past 8 years on the Standing Judicial Commission (SJC).
Steve Dowling, a ruling elder at Covenant PCA in Auburn, Ala., was elected Moderator of the 51st Presbyterian Church in America General Assembly meeting in Richmond, Va, June 10-14, 2024.
Steve has been married to Laura for 38 years, and they are blessed with nine children: 5 boys and 4 girls; seventeen grandchildren, 9 boys and 8 girls, and with two more on the way.
Dowling joined the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) in 1991, when he and his family joined New Life PCA in Ithaca, NY. He was ordained as an elder in 2003 at a church plant, New Life PCA in Stafford, Virginia (now Hope of Christ). After a their move to Auburn, Ala., Dowling and his family joined Covenant PCA, where he was elected an elder in 2011, and has served as the Clerk of Session for past 11 years.
Dowling has been active in the Southeast Alabama Presbytery. He has served as Presbytery Moderator twice, on several committees and commissions, including judicial commissions, and the Nominating Committee for past 12 years.
At the General Assembly level, Dowling has served on the Overtures Committee for 14 years straight, chairing it twice. He has also served on the Committee on Constitutional Business (CCB) and for the past 8 years on the Standing Judicial Commission (SJC).
Steve received his undergraduate degree from Auburn University, earned graduate degrees from the University of Arkansas and Rensselaer Polytechnic University, and taught at Cornell University from 1990 to 1995.
Dowling served in the United States Marine Corps from 1974 to 2001; he is a decorated combat veteran. Promoted 10 times, Steve rose from Private to Staff Non-commissioned officer to Lieutenant Colonel, the rank at which he retired. During his service Steve became skilled in the management of all facets of production, logistics, and the supply chain, including the automation of management information systems. Expert manager of technical programs and projects. Led as many as 850 subordinate managers, technicians, mechanics and clerks in the creation of expeditionary infrastructures and precision logistics efforts in support of combat operations around the globe.
Dowling is presently the Vice President for Digital Velocity Managed Services at CDW. He specializes in the exploitation of emerging and disruptive technologies, and helps CDW’s clients develop, retain, or change IT capabilities so they align with business logic. He formerly served as the Vice President for Public Cloud computing at Sirius Computer Solutions, a company acquired by CDW for its services excellence in 2021, and in that capacity he developed and deployed a Full-Lifecyle Cloud Services capability that produces services in any way clients want to consume them.
Through all of these providences God has prepared Dowling to serve the PCA as Moderator, as well as the other courts of the Church.
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