A La Carte (July 11)
Good morning and happy Monday!
I am away this week so will not be updating Kindle deals very often. Beyond that it will be business as usual. That said, there are some good ones there today.
(Yesterday on the blog: How We Worshipped)
This article deals with sorrows and hope, with fear and faith.
You Are Not a Slave to Sin—Even if You Feel Like One
“Imagine yourself travelling down a long country road. Looking ahead, on one side you see a high chain link fence, and on the other you see an open field. As you drive closer, you can see people behind the fence and people in the field.” This opens quite a helpful illustration for our relationship to sin.
Making and Keeping Friends in Ministry
“Ideas of friendship will undoubtedly vary from person to person. Some may define friendship in terms of common interests, common enemies, or shared experiences. I imagine for you, like me, friendships in your own life come in all shapes and sizes. This has been the case throughout history.”
Three Signs of False Teachers
It is important to be able to spot a wolf in sheep’s clothing. “When a wolf looks at sheep, what does he see? Food. His motivation for getting close to sheep is not to care for their needs or protect them from danger; it’s to feed on them. But in order to get close to sheep, a wolf employs deceptive tactics to keep the sheep from discerning his dangerous presence before he can achieve his aims.”
Idols of the heart and “Vanity Fair”
CCEF has shared one of David Powlison’s classic journal articles titled “Idols of the Heart and ‘Vanity Fair.’” It’s a long read, but a rewarding one.
Isn’t Christianity just an oppressive set of rules?
“Whenever I ask someone with no experience of church what they think a Christian is, they usually tell me that they think a Christian is someone who tries to be good. Someone who follows a complex set of rules to try and obey their God. It is easy to see why people get that impression.” I’m so thankful our faith is so much more than that!
Flashback: Are You Living Worthy of the Gospel?
We need to live in such a way that we enhance the reputation of the gospel and the Christ of the gospel. We must not do anything that damages its reputation.
A passion to preach without a discipline to prepare is just a desire to perform. —H.B. Charles Jr.
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New and Notable Christian Books for July 2022
It is surprisingly difficult to find a list of Christian books that have been released in any given month—especially if you want that list to be filtered by books released through particular publishers. That’s one of the reasons why I close each month by coming up with my list of New and Notable books. I comb through what I’ve received in the past month (and scour all the publishers’ websites) to come up with a list of titles that are interesting to me—and may just be interesting to you. Here are my picks for July. In each case I’ve included the publisher’s description.
Grace at Work: Redeeming the Grind and the Glory of Your Job by Bryan Chapell. “For many people, their job is merely ‘the daily grind’ needed to provide for family or pay the bills. Yet our work is a vital means for fulfilling God’s purpose for our lives and displaying his grace to those around us. In this book, author and pastor Bryan Chapell shares this biblical perspective of vocation, explaining how God gives purpose to our work by making it an instrument of his grace to our own hearts, as well as a way of bringing his goodness and glory into our world. Chapell explains how we can worship God by our work, rising above drudgery, duty, or self-interest with the understanding that our jobs are unique callings for displaying God’s character and care. Our work is worship when we see the glory beyond the grind, the mission in the mundane, and the grace at work.” (Buy it at Amazon or Westminster Books)
Give Me Understanding That I May Live: Situating Our Suffering within God’s Redemptive Plan by Mark Talbot. “Since creation’s fall, suffering has been part of earthly life. At times, it can feel overwhelming, even for believers who trust in the Lord. The Suffering and the Christian Life series provides help and hope from Scripture for those who are suffering. In volume 2 of this series, Mark Talbot explores Scripture’s account of the origin, spread, and eventual end of suffering, giving Christians the perspective they need to get through life’s difficult times. He encourages readers to see themselves within the Bible’s storyline (creation, rebellion, redemption, and consummation), finding the courage to endure and taking comfort that God is at work for their good.” (Buy it at Amazon or Westminster Books)
God’s Secret Listener by John Butterworth. “Berti Dosti faced a terrible but intriguing dilemma. He was an Albanian army captain and his job as a radio specialist was to listen into the world’s airwaves … As he idly twiddled the radio dials, he heard a voice saying: ‘If you want to find out more about God we will meet again tomorrow.’ 1980s Albania. The world’s most isolated country and ‘the first atheistic state’. Captain Dosti knows that by secretly listening to a Christian radio station he could put his life and the life of his whole family at risk. And yet, he cannot resist. This is the story of Berti’s journey from Captain Dosti to Pastor Dosti. It’s the story of the explosive growth of the early Albanian church after nearly half a decade of repressive atheism. And it’s the story of the of the untiring efforts of Trans World Radio to broadcast the Christian message across closed borders to Albanians, who for most of their life had been told there was no God.” (Buy it at Amazon)
40 Lives in 40 Days: Experiencing God’s Grace Through the Bible’s Most Compelling Characters by John MacArthur. “Have you ever wondered why God uses ordinary people to accomplish His work and to spread the good news? Join bestselling author and Bible teacher John MacArthur as he takes a closer look at the everyday lives of the men and women that God trusted to carry His message and lead His people. 40 Lives in 40 Days is a brand-new devotional compilation of MacArthur’s extensive studies of the Bible characters who show us that we don’t have to be perfect to do God’s work. From the twelve disciples to the Samaritan woman, MacArthur shares that Jesus chose average people–fishermen, tax collectors, doubters, political zealots–and gave them a remarkable mission. These encouraging stories, based in Scripture, help shed light on these real men and women who endured struggle, pain, and heartache, just like us. They were perfectly ordinary sinners–living proof of God’s kindness–who went on to serve an extraordinary purpose in spreading the gospel. By tracing the lives of these unlikely heroes, MacArthur shows us that the difficulties and temptations that they lived through are the same trials that modern believers face today.” (Buy it at Amazon)
Ours: Biblical Comfort for Men Grieving Miscarriage by Eric Schumacher. “This 31-day devotional gives biblical comfort and practical support to men processing miscarriage. The loss of a baby in the womb can leave the father reeling, as well as the mother. He may feel confused, helpless, lonely, deeply sad, or just numb. As readers draw alongside Jesus in the pages of Luke’s Gospel, they’ll find help to process their grief and to address questions they may be too afraid to ask. There’s also lots of practical help on how to care both for themselves and for their family in the aftermath of miscarriage. Eric Schumacher writes with sympathy and compassion as someone who has experienced the grief of multiple pregnancy losses making this book a great way to reach out to men who are suffering in this way. Includes foreword by Paul David Tripp and contributions from Nate and Lore Wilbert, Jenn Hesse, and Brian Croft. There is also space for journaling.” (Buy it at Amazon or Westminster Books)
Sowable Word: Helping Ordinary People Learn to Lead Bible Studies by Peter Krol. “When the word of Christ falls on good soil, the results will astound. That’s why there’s a surprising glory in leading a group of ordinary people to simply open their Bibles, read what’s on the page, and discuss how God might use these words to change the world. Yet too many small group leaders hesitate to try such a method without professional guidance from a curriculum or study guide. This book will inspire and equip believers in Christ to lead fruitful and engaging small groups where God’s Word is read, discussed, and put to direct use to transform lives. This book will equip leaders to open the valve on this living water so thirsty souls can drink their fill. This book will serve lay leaders and Bible teachers who have any degree of experience. Some will gain confidence to lead their first Bible study that brings a neighbor to Christ. Others will learn to draw more deeply on the power of interaction, thereby overcoming their penchant for dominating conversations. All will discover the surprising glory and astounding fruit borne from leading a group of ordinary people to open their Bibles, read what’s on the page, and discuss how God might use these words to change the world.” (Buy it at Amazon or Westminster Books)
Cultural Identity and the Purposes of God: A Biblical Theology of Ethnicity, Nationality, and Race by Steven M. Bryan. “Humanity’s diverse nationalities, ethnicities, and races were intended to be a blessing from God. However, due to sin and rebellion, these differences often result in alienation, hatred, and even violence, becoming one of the most urgent problems facing the world. Cultural divisions are unfortunately common in the church, too. How can Christians embrace God’s purposes for diversity and experience renewal and unity as his people? Steven Bryan presents a biblical framework for thinking about cultural identity and experiencing cultural diversity as a positive good that God intended. Writing from more than 20 years of experience in cross-cultural mission work in Ethiopia, Bryan examines historical and political aspects of nationality, ethnicity, and race.” (Buy it at Amazon or Westminster Books)
On Worship: A Short Guide to Understanding, Participating In, and Leading Corporate Worship by HB Charles Jr. “What does it mean to worship–especially in spirit and truth? Christians hear the word ‘worship’ a lot. From singing hymns and choruses to receiving ‘calls to worship,’ on a Sunday morning, we’re certainly familiar with the term. But do we really have a grasp on what it means for the believer? For the Church as a whole? On Worship casts a vision for the biblical principles and practices of worship. Pastors and other church leaders will learn what the Bible teaches about worship and why it is so important to get this topic right. You’ll learn how to think practically through preparing and executing corporate worship services so that you can lead your congregation to worship wholeheartedly in spirit and truth. In this companion title to On Preaching and On Pastoring, H. B. Charles draws from over thirty years of planning and leading worship for local churches of varying denominations, traditions, and cultural backgrounds.” (Buy it at Amazon or Westminster Books) -
A La Carte (March 22)
May the Lord be with you and bless you today.
Westminster Books has a discount on a new book that looks excellent.
There are a few new Kindle deals today.
The World that Money Makes Go Round
“The economically inactive, we are told, are a hazard to the economy—although no one can quite bring themselves to say they’re doing anything wrong. They’re perhaps just a bit thoughtless as to how their leisure impacts others around them, like an old man in a speedo or an aloof housecat refusing to come inside when you want to lock up for the night.” Rhys Laverty considers the phrase “economically inactive.”
Fortnite Creative 2.0 Might Change Everything
“It is closest thing we’ve seen to a metaverse, and it arrives Wednesday.” Chris Martin explains why it’s such a big deal.
Do we have free will? (Video)
Do we have free will? Michael Reeves answers.
“March is that in-between month, when winter struggles to make space for spring. When too-early buds appear only to freeze. When snowstorms out of the north give way to thunderstorms rising from the south. Coats are exchanged for jackets and then sweaters, only to be replaced by coats again. And our spirits, still living in February’s Lent, lean forward to glimpse April’s Easter through the unremarkable month of March.”
The Gift of Friends Who Know Their Bible
I very much agree with this! “What a gift it is to have friends who know their Bible—friends who can gently correct us when we err, remind us of great truths when we live lies, encourage us to greater depths when we plateau, and model life under the authority of God’s word.”
I Always Feel the Worst Sunday Night, or How to Pray for Your Pastor
“I believe that preaching is more than just a man standing on a stage presenting truth. I have taught classes, done presentations in classes, even defended my master’s thesis and did not feel this exhausted and depressed. I believe that preaching is war. Preaching is exhausting on a spiritual level, not just physical and emotional.”
Flashback: 8 Ways God Turns Temptations to Blessings
Just as a tree which is blown by the wind is settled and rooted deeper into the ground, the coming of a temptation simply settles the Christian deeper into divine grace. Here are eight ways God brings good from temptation.The universe is big. Why? To say something to us about the God who made it—He is bigger. —Steve DeWitt
Weekend A La Carte (July 8)
I’m very grateful to Reformation Heritage Books for sponsoring the blog this week to tell you about some of their great new products. We are so blessed to have publishers like RHB who are committed to bringing us books that serve us so well.
At Westminster Books this week, you’ll find a deal on an excellent new series of books. They also have these volumes by Van Mastricht on sale.
In Your Race of Faith, Run Together
Lindsey Carlson: “As a follower of Jesus, you are a member of the body of Christ; every other Christian in the body is a fellow team member whose name is recorded on the roster and who runs alongside you in the same race of faith. You have pledged to run together with the people of God under the headship of Christ.”
The 2023 Audubon Photography Awards
I love the way these photography awards display the power and creativity of God.
He Gives To His Beloved Sleep
“Most of the time, a newborn sleeping is cause for celebration and slumber but on this particular night, fears about my son’s life plagued my mind.” This one will be a blessing to moms, and maybe some dads as well.
4 Questions to Answer Before Giving Your Child a Phone
“What’s the right age? This is a tricky question for parents. Once you hand a child a phone, chances are you’re not taking it back. So before you take the plunge, here are four questions to consider.”
Humble Words
Brianna recounts a time when humble words made all the difference in her life.
Christians Who Feel They Don’t Need Church Anymore
Forrest McPhail offers a series of truths that are meant to keep us engaged in the life of a local church despite the inevitable challenges.
Flashback: Envy Always Wins
Envy always competes. Envy demands that there is always a winner and a loser. And envy almost always suggests that I, the envious person, am the loser.The stronger the foundation of a house, the bigger and stronger the building itself can be. And the richer and fuller the exposition of God’s grace, the more consuming the exhortations can be. —Sinclair Ferguson