A La Carte (June 23)

A La Carte (June 23)

There’s a new biography of Elisabeth Elliot available and Westminster Books has it on sale right out of the gate.

Today’s Kindle deals include a complete series of excellent Bible studies by John Scott.

Toe the Government Line or Lose Your Kids

I think Carl Trueman points out something really important in this article. “While the trans issue is the presenting problem, the California bill points toward something of much broader significance: the rise of the notion that parents are defined by function rather than biology.”

Of the Shortcomings of Internet Conventions and a Thought on the SBC-AM 2023

Travis raises some important considerations about watching and analyzing conventions through livestreams.

Good Book Guides Giveaway: Enter for the Chance to Win 59 Bible Studies

The Good Book Guide series is now available in sets! Enter for a chance to win a set of 59 Bible studies to celebrate! 🎉 (Sponsored Link)

My God Is All I Need (Video)

CityAlight has released a new song!

Eikon 5.1 (Spring 2023)

CBMW has released a new issue of their journal Eikon. This one is dedicated entirely to providing a response to the third edition of Discovering Biblical Equality: Biblical, Theological, Cultural, and Practical Perspectives.

I Remember a Dirt Road

Melissa has written a sweet reflection life and roads and other things.

Sexual Intimacy in Marriage: A Joint Trust

“Paul presents a vision of radical mutuality and sexual equality in marriage. His view was both daring and challenging in the first century and remains so today. He portrays sexual intimacy as a precious gift to those who are married—a joint trust of sorts (much like a financial trust). It’s not an entitlement or something to demand, but something to steward and tend together for the benefit of both spouses.”

Flashback: Each Man Before the Mob

We should be happier if a man follows a different path than we do while heeding his conscience than if he imitates us while violating it. We should affirm him in making a decision that is different from our own, as long as that decision is consistent with his conscience.

The entire purpose of our lives — what God wants from us — is to do good for others, to the glory of God. —Matt Perman

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