An Important Reminder About Death
What does that make death for the saved person? Death is 100% not your enemy. There is no fear in death. When you die, you simply pass from this life to the next. As Dr. Bob Smith used to teach: Death is a door from here on earth to God’s presence in heaven.
This past week I have had the privilege of being with Bill and Mary Ann Piatt and others at a conference in Mobridge, South Dakota. At that conference, I spoke about serving those who have a medical illness. In those notes, I refer to victory from the illness. My friend, Dr. Bob Smith, initially talked me through this concept. Essentially, there are only two types of victory from illness: either you heal from the illness or you die from the illness. Only two options. But, in both instances, you get victory.
While at the conference, I have also been praying for a friend who was in the hospital in Springfield. Many of his family, friends, and acquaintances have been praying for him to get victory from his illness. The medical doctors performed surgery. Even before the surgery, the doctors explained the risky nature of it and the potential of his not living as a result of it. The surgery itself was a success. However, the surgery did not provide my friend victory from his illness; death did. In the early hours of the morning today, my friend experienced victory from the illness. You might think, “He succumbed to the illness; that is not victory.” But, no friend, not for the Christian. He experienced victory in death.
What About Death?
For the person who has placed his or her faith in the forgiveness of sin by God through Jesus Christ, death loses its fear and power. The Apostle Paul writes:
“O Death, where is your sting?
O Hades, where is your victory?”
The sting of death is sin, and the strength of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.