Are Christians Required to Tithe?

Episode 276 | Dr. Michael Horton and Adriel Sanchez answer caller questions.

Show Notes

Key questions answered in today’s show:

1. My church asked me if I want to give my testimony. I want to but I’m a bit nervous and don’t really want to talk too much about my past partly because somethings are embarrassing and I’m not sure all of it is important or helpful for people to know. What do you think is most important in giving a testimony?

2. I’m new to Christianity and I’m trying to do everything I can to ensure that my soul is saved. Do you have to tithe to go to heaven? Or is this something you do because you want to do it? 

3. I feel like I haven’t grown much in my Christian life in several years. What can I do to change my situation and finally deal with sins that I have dealt with for years?

4. Why do so many Christian talk a lot about hell and judgment? Isn’t Christianity supposed to be about love?

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