Christian: You Have Peace with God
Don’t ever let it cease to amaze you that you, Christian, have peace with God. Don’t let another day go by still an enemy of God. Turn from your sin and trust in Jesus. He offers peace and reconciliation through His cross. May God be praised for His incredible grace.
Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.Romans 5:1
I remember telling someone once that I was committed to reconciling with them. Their reply was, “I didn’t even know anything was wrong.” Sometimes that’s how it goes: You learn about a problem from someone telling you that they’ve found the solution. That’s the kind of thing that can happen when reading the Bible too. Paul tells the Romans something absolutely mind boggling. He says, “you have peace with God” (Rom 5:1). Before I get to how amazing this is, I want to tell you what this solution tells us about the problem.
War With God
For some, that verse might be the first time they’ve considered that they don’t have peace with God. “Wait a minute. Peace with God? Why would I need peace with God? I thought I was ok with God.” Wrong. Apart from Christ each one of us is at war with God. There is no one neutral with God. The Bible calls it enmity or war or rebellion. You are not just uninterested in God. You are at war with the living God.
And not only are you at war with God, but God is at war with you. You have broken his law. As R. C. Sproul famously said, you have committed cosmic treason against the King of the Universe. And God plainly tells us that the soul who sins will die (Eze 18:4) and that the wages of sin is death (Rom 6:23). God is a just Judge and is angry with the wicked every day (Psalm 7:11). God is not wicked so as to sweep your sin under the rug. He is just and will bring every deed into judgement (Ecc12:14). By nature you are a child of wrath (Eph 2:3). By default you do not have peace with God.
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