Media Gratiae

Special Episode – Living with the True God: Lesson from Judges, Session 1

We are taking a few weeks to let you know about some of the teaching material Media Gratiae has produced outside our podcasts. In previous special episodes we have highlighted Behold Your God: The Weight of Majesty, Behold Your God: Rethinking God Biblically, and Church: Pillar and Ground of the Truth.
This is our final episode highlighting these studies and we chose to end it with our latest study, Living with the True God: Lessons from Judges. This is a seven-session study walking through a book many find confusing, discouraging, and alarming. But this is a book filled with applicable truths to the Christian life.
If you would like to see the rest of the study, please click here to get 15% off for this week only:
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Special Episode – The Church, Session 1: The Marks of the Church

We are taking a few weeks to let you know about some of the teaching material Media Gratiae has produced outside our podcasts. In previous special episodes we have highlighted Behold Your God: The Weight of Majesty and Behold Your God: Rethinking God Biblically.
This week we want to present you with a unique production for us. In Church: Pillar and Ground of the Truth, we created both a feature-length documentary and a 12-session study walking through church history and careful ecclesiology. If you would like more information after watching the first session of the study, follow this link:
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Special Episode – Behold Your God: The Weight of Majesty, Session 1

Last week we highlighted the first study Media Gratiae produced, Behold Your God: Rethinking God Biblically. This week we are previewing for you the sequel to that study, Behold Your God: The Weight of Majesty.
In this study, John Snyder spends 12 weeks teaching about the attributes of God and how we are to live upon Him. If you have been through this study before, we pray it reminds you of the greatness of our God. If you haven’t been through this study before, you can get 15% off the normal price this week here:

Special Episode – Behold Your God: Rethinking God Biblically, Session One

Get 15% off this study for this week only:
Over the years more and more people are discovering Media Gratiae through our various podcasts. We praise the Lord for this reality. But our podcasts are only a fraction of the work we do.
Media Gratiae started over a decade ago with our flagship study, Behold Your God: Rethinking God Biblically. This 12-week multimedia Bible study seeks to challenge the low views of God that are very prevalent in our man-centered culture and reintroduce Christians, churches, and families to the God of the Bible.
Over the last 10 years, God has seemed to truly bless the efforts that went into the study. It has been translated into Dutch, Russian, and Spanish. A new translation effort is currently beginning to make the study available to German speakers.
This week we want to present you with the first session of the study. In the beginning is an introduction to A. W. Tozer, a man with a very high view of God. Then John Snyder presents a sermon on the fact that God is the great attraction to the adventure that is Christianity. Lastly, we have interviews with men such as Conrad Mbewe, Paul Washer, Anthony Mathenia, and others who discuss why we must have a high view of God.
You can get 15% off the price of the study this week at:

Resources on the 1689 Confession of Faith

It is one thing for the Christian to say I believe, my family believes, my church believes what the Bible says. That is a right and essential to the Christian life. But it is another thing to say, “I believe the Bible teaches…” And it is that second statement we want to focus on in this week’s episode.
For those unaware, Media Gratiae is rooted in Reformed Baptist theology. To that end, we believe that the 1689 Second London Baptist Confession is a very helpful, systematic summarization of what we understand the Bible to teach. And so we want to introduce you to two men and their efforts to help us digest the truths in this baptist confession.
The first man we want to introduce you to is Tom Ascol. He is the founder and president of Founders Ministries, president of the Institute on Public Theology, and pastors in Cape Coral Florida.
The second man is Rob Ventura. A long-time friend of John, Rob is a pastor in Rhode Island and has written several books. His latest venture is being the editor of a commentary on the 1689 Baptist confession. Contributors to this work include Jeremy Walker, Sam Waldron, and others. John Snyder has even endorsed the book and we believe it will be a benefit to you.
Founders Ministries:
Grace and Truth (Book 1):
Grace and Truth (Book 2):
Grace and Truth (Book 3):
1689 in Modern English:
1689 in Modern English (ebook):
To the Judicious and Impartial Reader:
Institute on Public Theology:
A New Exposition of the London Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689:
Expository Outlines and Observations on Romans: Hints and Helps for Preachers and Teachers (Preorder):
A Portrait of Paul:

Realities of Revival VI: Sermon from Daniel Rowland – Hebrews 1:9

This week is our final episode on the realities of revival and we wanted to present to you another sermon used by God during a great time of revival. The sermon is from Hebrews 1:9. The preacher is Daniel Rowland. We chose this sermon specifically because so few people are aware of Daniel Rowland. George Whitefield went to hear Rowland and said it was like listening to the Apostle Paul teach. Rowland has been called the greatest preacher Wales has ever seen.
As in the last sermon episode we were able to present to you, this one is read by Andrew Davies, a retired minister living in Wales today. If you have gone through the first Behold Your God study, you may remember Mr. Davies.
We pray this sermon is a blessing to you and that you take time to wrestle with its content, making room in your life to apply its message.
A recent article by Jeremy Walker on revival:
Books we found helpful in this series:
The Fulfilling of the Scripture by Robert Flemming Physical Copy:
Revival by Richard Owen Roberts
Revival: A People Saturated with God by Brian Edwards
Revival of Religion
Lectures on Revival by William Sprague
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You can get The Whole Counsel a day early on the Media Gratiae App:

Realities of Revival V: Seeking Revival

We have spent several weeks discussing the realities of revival. We have sought to share, using helps listed below, the fruits of revival, the means of revival, and more. This week John makes some concluding comments on revival. Many of his thoughts are found in the book Revival of Religion, a collection of essays from Scottish pastors serving during a time of revival. They point to three areas they saw greatly impacted by revival. These impacts begin in the church and then spread out. It starts with the fallow ground in the souls of Christians being plowed up and they begin producing fruit.
After that, those who have been religious hypocrites for years have their masks removed and they come to faith in repentance. Lastly, those outside the church are impacted. Not all are saved, but all are aware of the realities of God.
Then John moves on to recognizing true revival and that we shouldn’t be quick to judge too quickly whether or not revival is happening somewhere.
Lastly, John ends the series with a simple question: How do we seek God when we feel that we are in a particularly needy time of His nearness?
Next week we will have another sermon presented by Andrew Davies reading a sermon from Daniel Rowland. We hope it will be a blessing to you.
A recent article by Jeremy Walker on revival:
Books we found helpful in this series:
The Fulfilling of the Scripture by Robert Flemming Physical Copy:
Revival by Richard Owen Roberts
Revival: A People Saturated with God by Brian Edwards
Revival of Religion
Lectures on Revival by William Sprague
Want to listen to The Whole Counsel on the go? Subscribe to the podcast on your favorite podcast app:
You can get The Whole Counsel a day early on the Media Gratiae App:

Realities of Revival IV: Sermon from George Whitefield – The Method of Grace

Due to a sickness in the team, we were unable to film an episode for this week’s podcast. But this led us to a wonderful opportunity. Years ago Andrew Davies visited Christ Church New Albany. While he was here, we recorded him presenting five great sermons used during times of revival in America and England.
Since we highlighted the sermons of George Whitefield, a preacher God used mightily during the Great Awakening, in earlier episodes of this series, we thought this would be the perfect opportunity to present to you one of his sermons read by Andrew Davies so many years ago.
The sermon is titled “The Method of Grace.” We have found it helpful to our souls in the past and we pray it is a blessing to you. Next week we will be back with our normal production.
If you would like the text of the sermon, you can read it here:
A recent article by Jeremy Walker on revival:
Books we found helpful in this series:
The Fulfilling of the Scripture by Robert Flemming Physical Copy:
Revival by Richard Owen Roberts
Revival: A People Saturated with God by Brian Edwards
Revival of Religion
Lectures on Revival by William Sprague
Want to listen to The Whole Counsel on the go? Subscribe to the podcast on your favorite podcast app:
You can get The Whole Counsel a day early on the Media Gratiae App:

Realities of Revival III: Ordinary Means, Extraordinary Fruit

The idea that revival requires special means, special speakers, and special meetings, is often sourced in good intentions, but it comes from a fundamental misunderstanding of God’s work. When God chooses to draw close in revival, He uses the ordinary means of grace. But He seems to give an incredible and extraordinary fruit to that ordinary means.
Does this mean special meetings and extra time set aside for prayer are bad or dishonoring the Christ? Absolutely not. Those may be called for. But we must understand those things will not obligate God to bring revival, far from it. However, they may be a result of God giving a special desire to see Him draw near or after He reveals a particular need we need to cry out for.
A recent article by Jeremy Walker on revival:
Books we found helpful in this series:
The Fulfilling of the Scripture by Robert Flemming Physical Copy:
Revival by Richard Owen Roberts
Revival: A People Saturated with God by Brian Edwards
Revival of Religion
Lectures on Revival by William Sprague
Want to listen to The Whole Counsel on the go? Subscribe to the podcast on your favorite podcast app:
You can get The Whole Counsel a day early on the Media Gratiae App:

Realities of Revival II: The Means of Revival

After introducing our new series last week, John and Teddy are diving deeper into the topic of revival. This week they focus on a biblical understanding of revival. Attached to a historical understanding of revival, we also must seek to study the means and results of revival.
One helpful definition comes to us from Richard Owen Roberts. He defines revival as, “…an unusual manifestation of the power of the grace of God in convincing and converting careless sinners, and in quickening and increasing the faith and piety of believers.”
In the most succinct summary of this episode, we can say that revival is God drawing near, through the ordinary means of grace, in an unusual way. The means are not unusual. But the nearness of God is. And it is His nearness that both makes revival possible and makes us desire it.
A recent article by Jeremy Walker on revival:
Helpful books we found for this series:
The Fulfilling of the Scripture by Robert Flemming Physical Copy:
Revival by Richard Owen Roberts
Revival: A People Saturated with God by Brian Edwards
Revival of Religion
Lectures on Revival by William Sprague
Want to listen to The Whole Counsel on the go? Subscribe to the podcast on your favorite podcast app:
You can get The Whole Counsel a day early on the Media Gratiae App:

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