Media Gratiae

Sanctification (Isaac Chanler)

This week John and Chuck discuss the only sermon in Salvation in Full Color preached by a Baptist pastor. We don’t know much about Isaac Chanler, but what we do know is very encouraging. At the heart of the very practical sermon, Chanler encourages believers simple to cling to Christ. This is the heart of sanctification and sanctification is the heart of this sermon.

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Perseverance of the Saint (William Tennent Jr.)

William Tennent, Jr. (1705-1777) was the son of William Tennent I, a 17th-century pastor in America and founder of the Log College. Early in life, William Tennent, Jr. was deeply impressed with a sense of divine things and soon determined to devote his life to the ministry of the gospel.

He served as the pastor of First Presbyterian Church in Freehold. For love of Christ, we persevere, walk in the way He first walked. Perseverance is more than just doing our duty. There ought to be an earnestness in our following Christ. Every other pursuit in life should pale in comparison with our seeking Christ. Ask yourself if you have grown in your Christian walk in the last six months. If you are discouraged, do not give up. But rather, look to Christ, repent, and devote yourself again to Him. Seek to honor Christ with your life. Remember that you are presenting Him to the world around you. Make sure Scripture is your guide. Every Christian will reach the finish line. It won’t be easy, but it will happen. If you want to run the race well, love Christ more. Show Notes for the full episode:

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Family Worship (Originally published 6.17.21)

Our producer is taking some time off to be with his newborn daughter this week. Because we have family on our minds and hearts, we wanted to present to you again the episode John recorded with Ryan Bush on Family Worship.

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Love to God (Joseph Sewall)

Sewall defines love to God as “a grace of the Spirit whereby we esteem and desire God above all and cleave to Him as to our chief good with holy delight from a spiritual sight of His most amiable perfections, as manifested in His word and works, and in the perfection of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

We don’t, by nature, love God or find Him desirable. It is only by a work of the Spirit who changes us to see God as desirable that we can love Him.

Let the children of God abound more and more in their love to Him. There is no danger of exceeding where the object is infinitely excellent and gloriously superior. To make the fire burn, oh, remember God has loved you with an everlasting love and with loving-kindness he has drawn you to Himself. It is this love of God to us, that precedes any love we have to Him, that makes us love Him back.

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Conversion (John Blair)

What happens when God gives spiritual life to a rebellious sinner? What do we mean by the word conversion? John Blair helps us answer these questions, and gives us many more questions to ask regarding the rescuing of fallen people in this week’s sermon.

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Adoption (John Tennent)

God adopting fallen, rebellious humans is one of the most powerful displays of His love. In this very detailed sermon by John Tennent, John and Chuck discuss how human adoption differs from God’s adoption and how it applies to every crevice of our lives.

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Servant Songs VI: Isaiah 53

In this final servant song, God gives us a shocking description of His perfect servant. He tells us, through the prophet Isaiah, that although His servant is of infinite worth and glory will be esteemed by worthless men as worthless. He will be rejected by man, but His sacrifice will be accepted by the Father.

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Servant Songs V: Isaiah 50

If you were describe the coming Messiah, where would you begin? Isaiah begins in a strange place. He starts with the effective ministry of Jesus. He compares the perfect Servant of God with the failing servant in Israel. He contrasts the suffering of Israel due to their sinfulness and Jesus’ suffering due to His obedience. There is a great deal to consider in this week episode of The Whole Counsel.

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