Paul Tripp

Do I Love Money? One Simple Test

Money may allow us to buy stuff, but it can never buy contentment. If we try to use money to purchase our happiness, it will fail us every time.

Flee from Delusions of Strength

God’s grace is sufficient for our every weakness — even the subtle weakness of taking pride in our own “strength.”

The Church’s Role in Sexual Mythology

Sex isn’t a topic the church should be embarrassed about. In fact, our God-given sexuality offers us an opportunity to display fundamental truths about God and his world.

What Porn-ified Culture Does to Marriage

When sex becomes all about “my pleasure,” it corrupts a pleasure that God intended to be shared and enjoyed in close, intimate relationship.

What Sex Outside Marriage Says About You

God has set boundaries for sex not because he wants to deny us some hidden pleasure, but because he wants us to experience the best joy possible.

Life Is One Big Glory War

Our hearts have a natural drive to seek glory. But unless we find that desire in God, we will never experience the satisfaction we so crave.

Pleasure Is Only Protected by Pleasure

Unless our pursuit of pleasure has proper boundaries, we’ll always come up short of the lasting joy we’re looking for.

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