Ref Cast

WWUTT 1318 A Wild Tree By Nature (Romans 11:21-24)

Reading Romans 11:21-24, continuing our examination of the picture of the cultivated olive tree, where we as wild branches have been grafted in by the grace and mercy of God. Visit for all our videos!

Do the Church Fathers still speak today?

How can the church fathers, who lived so long ago and in such a different context, benefit twenty-first-century Christians? Surely, we might be tempted to think, the world of the early church is too alien to inform those of us who live today, especially on topics such as corporate worship and Christian living. In this… Download Audio

WWUTT 1317 A Cultivated Olive Tree (Romans 11:11-20)

Reading Romans 11:11-20, where Paul paints a picture of a cultivated olive tree as a warning to the Gentiles not to become too confident in themselves, but our confidence is in Christ. Visit for all our videos!

WWUTT 1317 A Cultivated Olive Tree (Romans 11:11-20)

Reading Romans 11:11-20, where Paul paints a picture of a cultivated olive tree as a warning to the Gentiles not to become too confident in themselves, but our confidence is in Christ. Visit for all our videos!

Leaving the City?

The guys drop a bonus episode to talk about John Starke’s recent article at The Gospel Coalition, 2 Things to Consider Before Moving Out of the City. Some people were triggered by John’s words, but was the JoFo? Why all the static about a short, pastoral blogpost? What do the guys think about the principles John mentions, “calling” and “covenant?” Where do they agree and disagree? Give it a listen and share your own thoughts.Support this podcast at — Inquiries:

The Nicene Creed

Historical creeds and confessions are like letters from Christians who have come before us, warning us against dangerous theological mistakes that have threatened the church in the past. Today, Barry Cooper considers one of the most important Christian creeds ever written. Read the transcript:

WWUTT 1316 A Remnant by Grace (Romans 11:1-10)

Reading Romans 11:1-10 where Paul again states that God’s plan hasn’t failed, for His people whom He has foreknown will be saved by His grace. Visit for all our videos!

WWUTT 1316 A Remnant by Grace (Romans 11:1-10)

Reading Romans 11:1-10 where Paul again states that God’s plan hasn’t failed, for His people whom He has foreknown will be saved by His grace. Visit for all our videos!

There Is Only One God

Skip the banter by jumping to 4:30. The guys sit down after church to talk through Question 8 of the Baptist Catechism, “Are there more gods than one?” If the Bible teaches that there is only one god, what are me to make of other “gods” mentioned in Scripture? If there are no other gods, are there beings behind some of the false religions and idols that people worship?Baptist Catechism Question 8Q. Are there more gods than one? A. There is but one only, the living and true God.RESOURCESThe Baptist CatechismA Scriptural Exposition of the Baptist Catechism by Benjamin BeddomeRead Beddome’s Exposition online for free here. CROSS20This episode is sponsored by CROSS20, a special live-stream conference going down December 29-30, 2020 aimed at helping 18-25 year-olds find their place in God's global plan. Featuring speakers like David Platt, John Piper, and Kevin DeYoung participants will walk through The Lord’s Prayer together. Registration is just $10 per person. Register for the conference at And don’t forget to download the free ebook, Genesis to Revelation, at this podcast at — Inquiries:

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