Ref Cast

Special Revelation

There is only so much you can tell about an artist from the things he’s created. To really get to know him, you’d need to meet him. Today, Barry Cooper shows us how the Scriptures–and ultimately Christ Himself–end the guessing games about who God is. Read the transcript:

An Outline of Peter’s Epistle — 1 Peter @ Covenant Bible Church

The letter of 1 Peter contains many practical implementations of the brief exhortation in verse 16 to “be holy as the Lord is holy.”
In verses 17-21, Peter outlines exactly how one should aspire to realize this holiness, and the rest of the book is the practical outworking of this command.
Preached Sept 27, 2020, @ Covenant Bible Church of Ohio by Michael Coughlin.

Photo by Hugo Fergusson on Unsplash

The Moment

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WWUTT 1301 He is the Potter, We Are the Clay (Romans 9:21)

Reading Romans 9:21, where Paul uses the analogy that we are clay in the hands of the pottery, a reference that comes from several places in the Old Testament. Visit for all our videos!

The Bible is for Everyone

Skip the banter by jumping to the 4.25 mark. Joe accepted Jimmy’s invite to Vegas, so the guys are off on some sort of couple’s retreat. Watch social media for a look at what’s going on. In the meantime, listen in as Jimmy and Joe talk through the usefulness of Scripture. Plus, the guys sing a classic worship chorus.Baptist Catechism Q.5 Q. May all men make use of the holy scriptures? A. All men are not only permitted, but commanded and exhorted to read, hear, and understand the holy scriptures.RESOURCESThe Baptist CatechismA Scriptural Exposition of the Baptist Catechism by Benjamin BeddomeRead Beddome’s Exposition’ online for free here. Support this podcast at — Inquiries:

Going 50 in a 55

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WWUTT 1300 Q&A Andy Stanleys Non Gathering, Books On Manhood, End Times Views, Women On the Bench

Responding to questions from listeners about Andy Stanley saying Jesus never told the church to gather, recommended books on manhood, books about the end times, and women serving as judges. Visit for all our videos!

Our Incident at City Hall

Get your Psalter today from Canon Press:

Presenting the Gospel to Kids III

Scripture says Jesus was grieved when the disciples prevented children from coming to Jesus. In this week’s episode, John and Teddy discuss a sermon by Edward Payson where he details several ways parents can intentionally and unintentionally prevent their children from coming to Christ.

Show Notes:

Puritan: All of Life to the Glory of God –

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