Ref Cast

Did the Gospels get Jesus right?

Did the Gospels get Jesus right? Are the sayings of Jesus invented or fabricated? Why are there differences in the Gospels? How should we respond to claims like that of Bart Ehrman? Why is divine authorial intent crucial for understanding what Jesus is claiming and what the Gospel writers believe? In this episode, Matthew Barrett… Download Audio

WWUTT 1257 I Do What I Do Not Want? (Romans 7:16-20)

Reading Romans 7:16-20 where the righteous man continues to lament the existence of sin in his members, desiring to do what God wants him to do, but with no ability in his flesh to carry it out. Visit for all our videos!

WWUTT 1257 I Do What I Do Not Want? (Romans 7:16-20)

Reading Romans 7:16-20 where the righteous man continues to lament the existence of sin in his members, desiring to do what God wants him to do, but with no ability in his flesh to carry it out. Visit for all our videos!

The Day of Atonement

Only once in the whole year could the high priest of Israel enter the Holy of Holies to approach the fearsome presence of a holy God: the Day of Atonement. Today, Barry Cooper explains what this day revealed about the depth of our guilt and how it pointed forward to a greater day when the sin of God’s people would be dealt with forever. Read the transcript:

Discredited Down to the Ground

Get GK Chesterton’s Orthodoxy today:

WWUTT 1256 Did That Which is Good Bring Death to Me? (Romans 7:13-15)

Reading Romans 7:13-15 where the Apostle Paul expresses an inner conflict that exists between wanting to do the right thing but sin still being in his members. Visit for all our videos!

WWUTT 1256 Did That Which is Good Bring Death to Me? (Romans 7:13-15)

Reading Romans 7:13-15 where the Apostle Paul expresses an inner conflict that exists between wanting to do the right thing but sin still being in his members. Visit for all our videos!

The 1689 on What's After Death? (31.1)

The guys are talking about “the state of man after death” from the 1689 Confession, Chapter 31, paragraph 1. Is “soul sleep” a thing? Where do believers go upon their death, but before the resurrection? What is protestant purgatory? For all the links and show notes for this episode visit this podcast at — Inquiries:

Sunday Sermon: Do Not Be Anxious (Matthew 6:25-34)

Pastor Gabriel Hughes preaches from Matthew 6:25-34, where Jesus instructs us not to be anxious about tomorrow but to put our trust in Him. Visit for all our videos!

Sunday Sermon: Do Not Be Anxious (Matthew 6:25-34)

Pastor Gabriel Hughes preaches from Matthew 6:25-34, where Jesus instructs us not to be anxious about tomorrow but to put our trust in Him. Visit for all our videos!

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