Ref Cast

WWUTT 1240 Q&A Gates of Hell, Info Without Outrage, What is Dispensationalism?

Responding to questions from listeners about speaking with grace, staying informed without the outrage, what did Jesus mean when He said that “the gates of hell shall not prevail” against the church, and what is dispensationalism. Visit for all our videos!

Fear God IV: Fear as Our Refuge

Scripture commands the fearing of God in multiple places. It is the beginning of wisdom. It is for our good. It is also our refuge. John and Chuck continue their discussion on fearing God in this week’s episode.


Through the Eyes of Spurgeon:


Show Notes:

WWUTT 1239 I Do Not Forget Your Commandments? (Psalm 119:161-176)

Reading Psalm 119:161-176, under the Hebrew letters Shin and Taw, as we bring to a conclusion our study of the longest chapter in the Bible (but still more Psalms to go!) Visit for all our videos!

Polemics and Purity

Correction: Joe and Jimmy incorrectly attributed a statement made on the Genevan Commons as directed at Aimee Byrd. This was actually directed toward another woman. We apologize for the mistake. As we now understand the comment and its intended target, we still believe it to be ungodly speech. The guys jump into the whole Aimee Byrd/Genevan Commons kerfuffle to talk about our speech, especially as leaders. What’s all the fuss? When does our complaint against one’s theology cross the line into an attack on the person? How should we talk about our theological opponents? Plus, Joe had to apologize for being a jerk. For all the links and show notes visit this podcast at — Inquiries:

WWUTT 1238 Grace Abounded All the More? (Romans 5:19-21)

Reading Romans 5:19-21 where the Apostle Paul explains that where the law came in to increase the trespass, grace abounded all the more more and covers all our sins. Visit for all our videos!

WWUTT 1237 Justification and Life for All Men? (Romans 5:17-18)

Reading Romans 5:17-18 where we continue to understand the free gift of God’s grace, and not one person who receives this gift will be lost, but all will be saved. Visit for all our videos!

The Babylonian Captivity

The Lord is slow to anger, but His patience with religious hypocrites does not last forever. Today, Barry Cooper considers what Israel’s exile into Babylon teaches us about the danger of becoming complacent with our sin. Read the transcript:

WWUTT 1236 The Free Gift is Not Like the Trespass? (Romans 5:15-16)

Reading Romans 5:15-16 and continuing a study of the doctrine of Original Sin, and how the gospel of Jesus Christ is not like the consequence of Adam’s sin. Visit for all our videos!

The 1689 on the Lord's Supper (30.2)

Joe and Jimmy are back to talk Lord’s Supper, the 1689 Confession. Why Isn’t the “body” and “blood” of Jesus a perpetual sacrifice? Plus, lots of chit chat. What do we expect? These guys miss each other. Be sure to pick up Richard Barcellos' great book, The Lord’s Supper as a Means of Grace: More Than a Memory. this podcast at — Inquiries:

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