Ref Cast


The guys sit down to answer an email about annihilationism and why restarting worship is complicated. What’s the problem with a temporal hell and conditional immortality? And what’s the big change happening at Redeemer Fellowship? Check out Gavin Ortlund’s article, J. I. Packer on Why Annihilationism Is Wrong (at TGC) Get all the links and show notes at this podcast at — Inquiries:

Some Principles for the Great Relocation

Get Empires of Dirt today:

WWUTT 1233 Because All Sinned? (Romans 5:14)

Reading Romans 5:14 wrapping up this trio of lessons on original sin, understanding that all in Adam die but all in Christ will be made alive. Visit for all our videos!

WWUTT 1233 Because All Sinned? (Romans 5:14)

Reading Romans 5:14 wrapping up this trio of lessons on original sin, understanding that all in Adam die but all in Christ will be made alive. Visit for all our videos!

Racism, Riots, Idolatry and Police What is the Answer?- E74

Godcast with Josh Fritz Episode 74

Josh offers his thoughts after two weeks of hiatus on the current events after the death of George Floyd. He also uses a Biblical approach that was used to GET back to the basics with the story of King Josiah who found the book of the law, and applied reforms to the kingdom of Judah, by eliminating idols and restoring proper worship. CLICK SUPPORT
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Build modern sites with Atomic Blocks layouts

The Gutenberg editor uses blocks to create all types of content, replacing a half-dozen ways of customizing WordPress, bringing it in line with modern coding standards, and aligning with open web initiatives. When we refer to “blocks” we are talking anything that can be inserted into the editor to create content.

Sites Built To Last

The new editor comes with a handful of default blocks such as paragraph, image, gallery, and more, to help you create better standard posts and pages.

From the Atomic Lab

The new editor comes with a handful of default blocks such as paragraph, image, gallery, and more, to help you create better standard posts and pages.

Beautiful Designs

The new editor comes with a handful of default blocks such as paragraph, image, gallery, and more, to help you create better standard posts and pages.

Rock Solid Standards

The new editor comes with a handful of default blocks such as paragraph, image, gallery, and more, to help you create better standard posts and pages.

God’s Unchanging Promise Galatians 3:15-22

John Continues his study in the book of Galatians 3 as Paul talks about God’s unchanging promise Galatians 3:15-22

If you would like to email me questions or commentsMy email address is: [email protected] YouTube Channel A Servants Heart With John WilliamsIf you would like to help support A Servant’s Heart Podcast you can go to http;//

From the Bay of Pigs to Mestizo Augustine

How did turmoil in Cuba lead Justo Gonzalez into the strange new world of church history? How does Justo Gonzalez balance cultural insight and biblical fidelity? How did Augustine’s background affect Gonzalez’s insights into the Donatist and Pelagian controversies? What motivated the Reformers to go back to the sources to reconceive theological education? Can the past help… Download Audio

WWUTT 1232 Death Through Sin? (Romans 5:13)

Reading Romans 5:13 and continuing a teaching on the doctrine of Original Sin, that first sin committed in the Garden of Eden, whereby sin and death came into the world. Visit for all our videos!


Anger is the response of a perfectly loving God when sin is committed against Him and others. Today, Barry Cooper explains the merciful way that God has appeased His wrath against His people in order to spare them from His righteous judgment. Read the transcript:

Fred Butler Joins BTWN #388 | Culture, Theology, Faith & Life

Watch this podcast as recorded live on Youtube:

The BTWN “other” youtube channel Tim mentioned here:

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