Ref Cast

WWUTT 1212 His Faith is Counted as Righteousness? (Romans 4:4-8)

Reading Romans 4:4-8 where the Apostle Paul continues to argue that we are justified by faith, and references David’s writing in the Psalms for proof. Visit for all our videos!

The Abrahamic Covenant

What does a Mesopotamian sheep herder from 4,000 years ago have to do with us? Today, Barry Cooper explains how God’s promise to Abraham reveals the good news of Jesus Christ. Read the transcript:

Not Very Much Feck At All

Get Empires of Dirt:

WWUTT 1211 Abraham Believed God and it was Counted as Righteousness? (Romans 4:1-3)

Reading Romans 4:1-3 where the Apostle Paul makes the argument from Genesis that no one stands before God justified except by faith. Visit for all our videos! 

The 1689 on the Communion of the Saints (27.2)

The guys are back on “the communion of the saints” and the 1689 Confession. What is it that we are called to do in the act of fellowship/communion, and with whom do we have such communion? What is a “saint by profession,” and is the 1689 anti-communism? Get all the links and show notes for this episode at this podcast at — Inquiries:

Sunday Sermon: When You Give (Matthew 6:1-4)

Pastor Gabriel Hughes preaches from Matthew 6:1-4 where Jesus instructs us to give to help the needy, not to receive praise from men but to glorify God in heaven. Visit for more info about our church!

Saturday Scripture: Mark 12-14

Pastor Gabriel Hughes reads through Mark chapters 12-14, brought to you by the Literal Word Bible App. Download the app for Android or iPhone, or visit

WWUTT 1210 Q&A Parable of the Ten Virgins, If They Are Not Against Us, Women Witnesses, True Free Will?

Responding to questions from listeners about Jesus’ parable of the ten virgins, His statement to His disciples in Mark 9:40, the women witnesses at the tomb, and can a man truly have free will. Visit for all our videos!

A Greater Sickness VIII: Christ's Work for You

Last week’s podcast focused on the fact that the only cure for man’s greatest plague is not a plan or a path but a Person. And that person is Jesus Christ. This week they discuss how Christ’s perfect righteousness is applied to the souls of sinners.

Show notes:

American Gospel: Christ Alone –

Don’t forget A Word in Season is now its own podcast. Search for “Word in Season with Jeremy Walker” on your favorite podcast platform.

WWUTT 1209 God's Law Comforts My Affliction? (Psalm 119:49-72)

Reading Psalm 119 sections Zayin, Heth, and Teth, where God is praised for testing us and also comforting us in our affliction, that we may turn to Him. Visit for all our videos!

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