Ref Cast

WWUTT 1163 Therefore God Gave Them Up? (Romans 1:24-25)

Reading Romans 1:24-25, and understanding how Paul illustrates that there are 5 things in this passage everyone knows about God through general revelation. Visit for all our videos!

WWUTT 1162 For Although They Knew God? (Romans 1:21-23)

Reading Romans 1:21-23 where the Apostle Paul points out that everyone knows of God, but they aren’t grateful to Him, and give the glory He deserves to created things. Visit for all our videos!

The Rapture

For more than 1,800 years, Christians understood “the rapture” to be the blissful moment of Jesus’ second coming. But within the last century and a half, a new interpretation emerged. Today, Barry Cooper helps us consider what the Bible says about the rapture of Christ’s church. Read the transcript:

Gaslighting the Goobers

For more books and audio from Doug, please visit 

WWUTT 1161 For the Wrath of God is Revealed from Heaven? (Romans 1:18-20)

Reading Romans 1:18-20 where the Apostle Paul demonstrates what God has revealed to even unbelieving sinners, so that they will be without excuse when the judgment of God comes. Visit for all our videos!

The 1689 on the Church (26.6)

The guys talk through the 1689 Confession, Chapter 26 paragraph 6, on the calling of the saints, the evidence of faith, and our ministry to one another in the church. Plus, Jimmy drinks English grandma tea, and Joe is stuck in the 80s. 2020 ANNUAL CONFERENCE Doctrine and Devotion's fourth annual conference is Friday, September 18 and Saturday, September 19, 2020 in St. Charles, IL. Our theme for this two-day conference is Covenant Theology: God's Promises for God's People. Dr. Sam Renihan will be our keynote speaker, joined by Joe Thorn and Jimmy Fowler, walking us through the biblical covenants between God and his people. For all the details and to register click the link below. For all the links and show notes visit this podcast at — Inquiries:

Saturday Scripture: Matthew 1-5

Pastor Gabriel Hughes reads through Matthew chapters 1-5, brought to you by the Literal Word Bible App. Download the app for Android or iPhone, or visit

WWUTT 1160 Q&A Social Media, ShepCon, Silent Prayers, Sharing Communion with Unbelievers?

Responding to questions from listeners about WWUTT on social media, a shout-out to ShepCon, should we pray silently or out loud, and can unbelievers share at the Lord’s Table? Visit for all our videos!

Revisiting Letters of Robert Murray M'Cheyne

Show Notes:

As John and Teddy will be continuing the series discussing Puritans and the 18th Century Revivals, we thought it would be a good idea to reach into our archives and remind you about some of the men we have talked about on the podcast who were also deeply influenced by the Puritans. This week we present you with the first episode from our series about Robert Murray M’Cheyne.

You can find links to the rest of the episodes in this series at

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