Ref Cast


In and of itself, faith isn’t necessarily a virtue. It all depends on what we have faith in. Today, Barry Cooper explains that the reason it is proper to put our faith in Christ is because Christ is perfectly good and perfectly trustworthy. Read the transcript:

WWUTT 1152 Greetings to the Church in Rome? (Romans 1:1-7)

Reading Romans 1:1-7, this long, run-on sentence that Paul writes as a theologically rich introduction to a theologically rich letter. Visit for all our videos!

The 1689 on the Church (26.4)

Jimmy and Joe talk about Jesus, the Pope, and the antichrist. Does the 1689 Confession really say the pope is the antichrist? Yes it does. What does the JoFo say? Where does the bible explicitly teach about antichrist and antichrists? How does the church fight against these antichrists? Plus, Jimmy is having a bad hair day. Listeners are encouraged to tag Jimmy on social media and recommend to him their favorite hair care products. OUR SPONSOR The New American Standard has long been recognized as the gold standard among word-for-word translations. Zondervan is honored to continue its long-standing relationship with the Lockman Foundation in publishing the New American Standard Bible. Starting this month, Zondervan is delighted to publish new, beautiful Bibles in the NASB 1995 text with Zondervan’s new exclusive NASB Comfort Print® typeface. Zondervan has once again partnered with 2K/Denmark to create this brand-new typeface for all new NASB Bibles published by Zondervan. Another new NASB Bible coming out this month is the Zondervan NASB Preacher’s Bible. It is a beautiful text Bible in its own right, but it also has one very practical feature – it matches page for page with the NASB Pew and Worship Bible. So, you as a preacher will literally be on the same page as your congregation. And for those wanting a premium Bible that will last, check out this Bible in Zondervan Premier Collection. For more information on the new NASB Comfort Print and to see all the new NASB Bibles coming out this month, visit For all the links and show notes visit this podcast at — Inquiries:

WWUTT 1151 Introduction to Romans?

Reading Romans 1:1-17 opening up a study of the book of Romans, laying out the doctrine of justification by faith in Christ alone. Visit for all our videos!

Sunday Sermon: Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand (Matthew 4:12-25)

Pastor Gabriel Hughes preaches from Matthew 4:12-25, concentrating on verse 17 where Jesus comes preaching the gospel of the kingdom. Visit for all our videos!

WWUTT 1150 Q&A Biblical Patriarchy, Scandalous Worship, Style of Music?

Responding to questions from listeners about patriarchy and how it’s biblical, if we should sing songs by churches guilty of scandal, and does it matter what style of music we listen to. Visit for all our videos!

Puritans and Revivals II: Dark Before Dawn

Show Notes:

This week John and Teddy talk about a period of history often overlooked. It is the end of the Puritan era to the beginning of the Evangelical Revival in the 1700s. There is a great amount of hope and encouragement to be found in God’s work throughout this era.

Interview: Joanne Jung

Joe and Jimmy were honored to have dr. Joanne Jung on the podcast to talk about her books and the Puritan practice of “conference.” Dr. Jung, or “JJ” as Jimmy calls her, is the Associate Dean of Online Education and Faculty Development, and Associate Professor of Biblical and Theological Studies at Biola University. She is the author of Knowing Grace: Cultivating a Lifestyle of Godliness, Godly Conversation: Rediscovering the Puritan Practice of Conference, and The Lost Discipline of Conversation: Surprising Lessons in Spiritual Formation Drawn from the English Puritans. We ask Dr. Jung, what is conference? How does the puritan practice of conference differ from the average church’s small group ministry? What is the role of Scripture in conference? Why has the church lost this practice? We highly recommend her books and hope you will pick them up. Our Sponsor Starting this month, Zondervan is delighted to publish new, beautiful Bibles in the NASB 1995 text with Zondervan’s new exclusive NASB Comfort Print® typeface. Zondervan has once again partnered with 2K/Denmark to create this brand-new typeface for all new NASB Bibles published by Zondervan. One of the most anticipated Bibles coming this month is the new NASB Single-Column Reference Bible. No detail was overlooked when crafting this beautiful Bible for students of God’s Word. And for those wanting a premium Bible that will last, check out this Bible in Zondervan Premier Collection. For more information on the new NASB Comfort Print and to see all the new NASB Bibles coming out this month, visit For all the links and show notes visit this podcast at — Inquiries:

WWUTT 1149 As Far As the East is from the West?

Reading Psalms 102 and 103, where we are reminded that we are but grass and will soon wither away, but the Lord remains forever and will forgive our sins. Visit for all our videos!

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