Ref Cast

From Drama to Doctrine

WHI Classic • Many Christians today have uncritically accepted the idea that “doctrine is irrelevant,” without even realizing that this very idea is itself a doctrine. In fact, the very moment one turns away from any particular belief or opinion, other beliefs rush in to fill the void. So everyone has a doctrine, but the question is whether our beliefs and assumptions about God or the world in which we live are true, false, or somewhere in between (originally aired 1-15-21). __________ Become a partner and you will receive all of the White Horse Inn extended episodes, access to our extensive archive as well as a subscription to our magazine, Modern Reformation. Head over to __________ Support the classics and for a donation of any amount receive a link to download our classic series “Understanding Scripture” –

Titus 2:13 and 2 Peter 1:1: Testimonies to the Deity of Jesus Christ

A new MP3 sermon from Alpha and Omega Ministries is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:

Title: Titus 2:13 and 2 Peter 1:1: Testimonies to the Deity of Jesus Christ
Subtitle: The Dividing Line 2021
Speaker: Dr. James White
Broadcaster: Alpha and Omega Ministries
Event: Podcast
Date: 7/20/2021
Length: 70 min.

Titus 2:13 and 2 Peter 1:1: Testimonies to the Deity of Jesus Christ

A new MP3 sermon from Alpha and Omega Ministries is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:

Title: Titus 2:13 and 2 Peter 1:1: Testimonies to the Deity of Jesus Christ
Subtitle: The Dividing Line 2021
Speaker: Dr. James White
Broadcaster: Alpha and Omega Ministries
Event: Podcast
Date: 7/20/2021
Length: 70 min.

Set Free from Sin

Christians are no longer under law but under grace. Why do we still struggle with sin after our conversion? Today, Sinclair Ferguson establishes how our union with Christ changes our relationship to sin and enables us to serve the Lord freely. Get a DVD Copy of Sinclair Ferguson’s New Teaching Series ‘Union with Christ’ for Your Gift of Any Amount: Don’t forget to make your home for daily in-depth Bible study and Christian resources.

The Fall

Though darkness and death entered the world through one man, so light and life has entered through another. Today, Barry Cooper considers the fall of man and the promise of the Savior. Read the transcript:

Baptized into Christ

Baptism is much more than being washed with water. Today, Sinclair Ferguson discusses how this sacrament signifies our death to sin in union with Christ and our participation in His resurrection life. Get a DVD Copy of Sinclair Ferguson’s New Teaching Series ‘Union with Christ’ for Your Gift of Any Amount: Don’t forget to make your home for daily in-depth Bible study and Christian resources.

Assuming the Center

Check out When the Man Comes Around: 

How Much Media Is Too Much Media?

In a media-saturated age, obedience to Jesus requires intentional detachment from the patterns of the world — especially its patterns of entertainment.

Crucified with Christ

When we come to faith in Jesus and are united to the crucified, risen Savior, our old life is left on the other side of the cross. Today, Sinclair Ferguson identifies what it means for Christians to be crucified with Christ. Get a DVD Copy of Sinclair Ferguson’s New Teaching Series ‘Union with Christ’ for Your Gift of Any Amount: Don’t forget to make your home for daily in-depth Bible study and Christian resources.

Wrestling with God

As Jacob returns to the promised land in Genesis 32, he’s attacked in the middle of the night. As the two men struggle until the break of day, it slowly begins to dawn on Jacob that there’s something special about his wrestling partner. In fact, by the end of the encounter, it’s revealed to Jacob that he’s actually been “striving with God.” Many commentators suggest that the patriarch wrestled with God in order to receive a divine blessing, but is that really what’s going on here? At what point does Jacob even realize this man’s true identity? Shane Rosenthal discusses this mysterious passage with Matt Foreman and Doug Van Dorn, authors of The Angel of the Lord. __________ To receive our free INNtro kit which includes the current issue of Modern Reformation magazine and our most recent set of extended length White Horse Inn CD’s, go to __________ Become a partner and you will receive all of the White Horse Inn extended episodes, access to our extensive archive as well as a subscription to our magazine, Modern Reformation. Head over to __________ Support the classics and for a donation of any amount receive a link to download our classic series “Understanding Scripture” –

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