Truth For Life Now Brings the Gospel to Many in the Islamic World

Alistair’s teaching can now be viewed on demand by millions of Arabic-speaking households throughout the world.

God’s Wrath and Human Sexuality in a Romans 1 Culture

By Alistair Begg
A little over a decade ago, English journalist Melanie Phillips, writing on the state of Western civilization, observed, “Society seems to be in the grip of a mass derangement.” There is, she writes, a “sense that the world has slipped off the axis of reason,” causing many to wonder, “How is anyone to work out who is right in such a babble of ‘experts’ and with so much conflicting information?”

Following Jesus Means Loving Like Jesus


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Wallpaper: His Work of Creation

December 12, 2022

“Scripture does not say that God rested on account of tiredness but simply that He rested from His work of creation. In doing this, He establishes a pattern, a cycle of life which has six days of work and one day of rest.” — Alistair Begg

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(The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing
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The Light of Christ in a World of Darkness

In his 1939 Christmas broadcast to the British nation, King George VI read from a poem by Minnie Louise Haskins

“Will God Indeed Dwell with Man on the Earth?”

Solomon’s prayer at the dedication of the Lord’s temple acknowledged that no earthly dwelling could hold the God of creation. The wonder of the incarnation, Alistair Begg explains, is that an uncontainable God took on flesh and became Emmanuel, “God with us.” God’s plan has always been a person, not a place. Jesus’ glory outshone that of the temple, and His death enables us to draw near to God. Though ascended to heaven, Christ still dwells among His church, a new temple of “living stones” unified by the work of the Holy Spirit.

Wallpaper: Pursue Us

December 05, 2022

“If we should neglect to give God the honor and praise He is due, we risk forgetting the glorious ways He continues to pursue us, even today.” — Alistair Begg

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Alistair Begg Reflects on Emmanuel: “God with Us”

Warmest Christmas Greetings!
It is a privilege for me to receive so many letters—even if at the same time, I bemoan the fact that I am able to respond to so few of them. Perhaps one day, when I am no longer in the pulpit, it will be possible for me just to enjoy corresponding with you!

Try a New Approach to Devotion Time in 2023

Benefit from the writings of church leaders throughout the centuries during your daily prayer time using the unique book Be Thou My Vision: A Liturgy for Daily Worship. This 31-day devotional presents a collection of creeds, catechisms, prayers, and Scripture readings in a liturgical format for each day of the month to give you a rich time of daily worship.

What Does It Really Mean to Take Up Your Cross and Follow Jesus?

It doesn’t require a very critical reading of the four Gospels to notice that the twelve disciples often missed the mark when it came to understanding what it means to follow Jesus. Even though they were bold enough to confess that Jesus was the Messiah (Luke 9:20), they still had little grasp of what that truly meant. Indeed, they seemed to mistakenly think that Jesus’ anointing would lead to the kind of worldly power that people have always sought after (Luke 9:46). But Jesus taught that a key part of being the Messiah was self-denial, death, and ultimately resurrection—and that to follow Him would mean the same for all of His disciples.

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