Bible Stories Your Child Will Want to Know

The Bible can be difficult to understand, even for adults. So how can we make it clear for young children?

Three Traits of a True Friend

A true friend is a real treasure. To have someone in whom you can confide, someone who knows the best and worst about you without making you feel like a fool, is to have found something precious. We could all use someone like Jonathan, who strengthened David “in God” (1 Sam. 23:16). We all need someone like Timothy, who was intensely committed to the good of others (Phil. 2:20).

Wallpaper: The Redeemer’s Love

“Let the mind for a moment consider the history of the Redeemer’s love, and a thousand evidences of His kindness will come to mind.” — C.H. Spurgeon

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Apple Devices: iPhones and iPod Touch iPads iPhone 11

Android Phones: Galaxy S Series, Edge, Nexus 5X, 6P, Google Pixel, Pixel XL, LG G5, Windows Phones

Tablets: Amazon Fire Microsoft Surface

Social Media: Facebook Header (Top Banner) Facebook and Blog Posts Twitter Instagram

Computer Monitors: 1024 x 768 1280 x 800 1280 x 1024 1366 x 768 1440 x 900 1600 x 900 1920 x 1080
*List based on the top devices used on our website via our analytics.

The Day That Changed the Modern World: Five Reminders, Twenty Years after 9/11

Who among us could have imagined that the World Trade Center towers, those symbols of prosperity and freedom, could so quickly be reduced to rubble and dust against the blue-sky beauty of a Manhattan morning? Who would have thought that planes meant to carry families to Grandma’s house or businesspeople to their next venture could be turned into weapons of mass destruction?

Recommended Reading for Students

The decisions, lifestyles, and pressures that confront us as we head off to college are challenging, particularly for the Christian. So whether you’re getting used to campus life or know someone who is in that setting, we think the assortment of resources below will be a help.

How to Stay Christian at College: Three Timeless Truths

It has never been easy to be a college student. You face pressure from every side to answer the perennial question: So, what are you going to do with the rest of your life? That’s not to mention the social stressors of figuring out where you belong, and perhaps of being away from home for the first time. Your years at university can be thrilling, yes, but they can also be daunting.

Wallpaper: Find Our Identity

“We, in the feebleness of our flesh, confronted by our own sense of insecurity, creating our own peculiar identity, are at sea until we find our identity in our union with Christ and our security in the work of Christ.” — Alistair Begg

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Click Below to Download your Image:
Apple Devices: iPhones and iPod Touch iPads iPhone 11

Android Phones: Galaxy S Series, Edge, Nexus 5X, 6P, Google Pixel, Pixel XL, LG G5, Windows Phones

Tablets: Amazon Fire Microsoft Surface

Social Media: Facebook Header (Top Banner) Facebook and Blog Posts Twitter Instagram

Computer Monitors: 1024 x 768 1280 x 800 1280 x 1024 1366 x 768 1440 x 900 1600 x 900 1920 x 1080
*List based on the top devices used on our website via our analytics.

Back-to-School Basics: Five Reminders for College Students

The Christian life is a long obedience in the same direction—more like a marathon than a sprint.1 It’s not a series of hundred-yard bursts after which you can catch your breath on the grass and rest up until the next one.

Alistair Begg on the Importance of Teaching Children about Jesus Christ

Dear Friend,
At Parkside, we baptize individuals upon their profession of faith, and we join our young families as they dedicate their children to the Lord, as well as themselves to the sacred privilege of parenting.

If You Have a College Student in Your Family, Don’t Miss ‘Surviving Religion 101’

Leaving home after graduating from high school is an exciting season of life—a time of new opportunities and challenges. For young Christians trying to fit in at a secular university, though, it’s also a time when their faith may come under attack.

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